Took the Nytol last night and it took me 1 and a half hours to fall asleep so compared with the 3 hours the night before I think that's a pretty good start! Hopefully it will only be 45 mins tonight

I was also able to have a slightly later start than normal today so feeling much more alive than I was yesterday.
Food today (GREEN day):
Breakfast: Not a good start to the day - I was going to bring it with me as I was in a bit of a rush but left it at home

Made me quit sad because for the first time in ages I was actually quite hungry this morning! Ah well, onward and upward!
Lunch: Salad - Mixed leaves, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, carrot. Fruit salad: Melon & Grapes.
Dinner: Chicken pasta with homemade spicy tomato sauce - chicken (HEB), pasta, passata, onion, mushroom, mangetout, peppers, chilli, herbs.
Snacks: Apple, satsuma, Shape 0% rhubarb crumble yoghurt (0.5 syns), 2 Alpen bars (HEB).
Exercise - Day 25 of 30 Day Abs Challenge: 105 sit ups, 160 crunches, 60 leg raises, 95 second plank.
Does anyone else really struggle with doing the plank? I get tired so quickly and it really hurts my back. I'm probably not doing it right and that's why so if anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated! xx