Kieran's Lean and Green log :-D

Welcome back Kieran and well done on getting straight back on the eating plan :) Did you enjoy yourself? (silly question really, but has to be asked :)).

And well done for volunteering, it's so good to have a purpose for the day. If it helps, I know someone in Comms at Scope, could ask them if there's anything (paid) going?
Evening Keiran;)

I've just started some charity work and really enjoying it already! :D
Yowser! I have been away for two weeks but it feels just so much longer! Now I am back I get crackin' on with this log!

Now I have a new laptop I can get updating again. Right, since being away so briefly I have been losing around 1-2lbs a week which is great but to be frank, I am more interested in measurements.

My old jackets are now too big for me, they look very boxy. Shocking to think that at my highest weight I was struggling to get into them, now they are draped over me.

I am suffering a bit though; I keep wanting to eat things which are way off plan; i.e., spicy breadcrumbed chicken and curry with rice. I know these can be optimised but still.

One thing I have been doing which has helped me to reduce cravings (I say reduce, I actually mean kill) has been EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) basically you tap on the meridian channels whilst uttering a phrase, in my case "even though I have this craving I deeply and completely accept myself". Sounds wacky doesn't it. But it really really works. Try it!

Hey Kieran, welcome back, the board is a bit shy of blokes at the moment
Hiya Kieran good to see you again, feels longer than two weeks! :)

And great news on the weight loss and clothes feeling loser, and your technique - I never have the patience for things like that but am really glad that you've found it helps you :)
Nice to have you back, Sir :)
Good to have you back. Clothes being too big is both unusual (pre atkins) and very very pleasant:D
Wow thank you all :-D Being offline is a right pain in the backside to be honest.

Yesterday, I had only 2 cups of coffee (black) a small and a small sirloin steak. I am worried I may not be eating enough. I really have no appetite at all :-( I'm wondering if it's the heat...

Thing that still amazes me on Atkins is the rapid inch loss, it's incredible! Someone recently said to me I am looking skinny; well I am certainly not skinny. Slimmer perhaps.

Susie; thing with EFT, the technique takes less than a minute and the more you do it, the more you want to do it. It has made a very big differance in helping me with adherence. I cannot recommend it enough.

Also, next week I have two dates lined up >:-D

Two dates?! Ya tart! :p
Hey Kieran, what exactly is EFT and how does it work?
Hi Kieran, 2 dates, well done mate :)
Great stuff Kieran :D
Congrats Kieran - I'm sure you could always have got as many dates as you wanted - but it seems to me that losing weight has given you a lot more confidence - so it's time for you to get out there and flutter your eyelashes at Lady Love (or Lust lol).

Good luck, not that you'll need it - and because you've told us about them, as Bren says, we need the post match evaluation too! :)
Ransch: EFT works on the principle of acpuncture; that we have certain energy channels in our body (Meridian channels) and when we have negative thoughts we also feel negative and then this turns into a default setting and supposedly causes blockages on those energy channels.

This can change though; many people believe they are their emotions, i.e., I feel depressed therefore my life is rubbish. Rationally we know just because you feel down it does not mean your life is rubbish. We can change our moods anytime; just need to learn how. Children can do it all the time - back when I was a kid the night before we would go to an amusement park I would not sleep at all because I was so excited yet in the morning I was still jumping off the walls. Or a more recent example: I was invited to a friend's party and I had to go, I really wasn't in the mood. I went along and needless to say I was having a rubbish time because I wasn't feeling social. But...the moment I made an effort to be social and chatty I began having a really good time!

To be frank; I don't care about why it works but this technique certainly increased my motivation, stopped cravings and genereally made me feel more energetic. Look into it; give it a go!

Jim, What can I say, I see the way you get all the ladies on here, I just learn from the best :D

Quak and Katie, don't you worry, I'll keep you abreast of everything that happens haha

For some reason I am unable to find single English women (not that it matters but it is...strange). I am going out with this Polish girl soon (Let's call her Poland for ease...and fun) and then going out with Iceland (a girl, not the shop) to a street photography festival.

Oh and Claire, thanks for the welcome :D

LOL, Morning Kieran, shall we call you a league of nations man :)
Jim! haha Well I like to do my bit for inernational relations.

I have just come back from a long weekend in Hull seeing old friends and my God...It was carnage. The excess, banter, food, clubbing was just too much. I had a fantastic time, had not laughed so much in ages. But I am paying for it now!

I am going to have to eat very clean and green over the next few days. Normally I would go out for a good long walk or even a run but it is just so unbearably hot at the moment. I am so pleased to be back eating right though :)

Thank you all for dropping by :-D
Hey Kieran, sounds like a great weekend:D