Total Solution Kiki's halloweenie diary

Hi there!

Thought it would be a good idea to shove my ramblings on here, may help me and it's been such an inspiration reading everyone else's :)

I had a car accident 7 years ago, it was not great and I have a bad back and shoulder as a result. I couldn't move much and piled on the weight (I was always big but it got silly). After a lot of hard work I got down to a size 16 from a size 24 - 60 pounds I lost! Damn I was proud, I looked good! Then my back got worse and I started to travel with work, running 10 miles a week was replaced with meals out and beer. Following a diagnosis with degenerative disc disease I wallowed in self pity and now I'm back at a size 22 :'(

Now the fight is back! I will lose my weight AND MORE and I will be able to run again! So here's to us all - we can do it.

kiki xx
Def in ketosis - woo! Sneaky peak at the scales tomorrow morning ready for my November challenge of 14 pounds.

It's my birthday Saturday and was stressing about dinner out but a check of the website has shown beef salad at 10g carbs and 600cals! Yay!!
good luck with your journey and we can do it defo peserverance pays off. happy birthday and so sorry about your back
Thanks Sliemox, means a lot to know other people are going through this too and we CAN do it xxx

I am currently sat in a side room of the hotel our training course in in, hiding and eating my choc and orange bar while everyone else has their three course lunch. I keep telling myself "it's not forever!"

It's quite an intense course - leadership skills. Focusing on identifying our personal values an how we use those at work. Actually quite helpful for me now personally too as we have to identify high and low points in our life and what was important to us at that time. I noticed straight away how my weight fluctuation matched that chart... My coping mechanism for tricky times has always been to eat, now I have effectively removed that option from myself I wonder what will happen.

Woah, sorry got a bit deep there but anyone that thinks weight is just about food is deluded!!
Good Luck kiki, carry on hun.You can do it..
good luck Kiki and happy birthday for tomorrow. its funny how so many of us eat our feelings but the great thing about this journey is if you use it wisely you can learn an awful lot.
you can use this time to figure out what your triggers are emotionally and find new ways in the meantime to deal with them! :)

keep pushing on , you can do this.

Im having to restart too on monday,,, you dont want to do that,, this is your time to go go go go go all the way :) you got this!x
Thanks guys, it really means a lot x

i managed to keep it up last night and today (another day at a course with food everywhere all day). I have decided that the soups are just awful. Had the vegetable one today and it started off ok but was just too creamy and thick (even after diluting more) I really had to force the last bit down.

Trying to decided what to do for my birthday tomorrow, don't want to get out of ketosis but don't want to feel too deprived either. I'm sure ill be fine - need to stop using food as a reward!! I'm not a pet!
Soooo... Yesterday was not awesome from a diet point of view. Birthday and totm combined to the 'screw it' point so I had one slice of cake, noodles in wagamamas and a mini dessert.

However, last year I'd have had a third of the cake, a box of chocolates a huge dessert and at least a bottle of wine and half a dozen g&ts!!! So I'm savouring the small(ish) victories!!

back on the wagon today :) x
Kiki_cupcake, hope you had a great birthday. I take my hat off to you for still being so fairly good when it was your birthday (compared to how it could have been!), I would have used it as an excuse to have a week off, so well done!
Glad to see you are fully back on the wagon today too :)
Have a good day
well done and happy birthday
happy belated birthday lovely, good job on not going OTT on everything, its good that you were aware of what you were eating as thats what it all comes down to in the end when we stop the vlcd, conscious/mindful eating...

im starting tomorrow and im very worried about the shakes...eeek hopefully theyre not too bad!

how was your day? x