Killercurls' Diary

Yeah they do a shakes & bars bumper pack. I'll probably end up getting that! I'm not sure if I'd be "allowed" to get the 50 porridges as well. It would be awesome if I could though! I really liked the porridge! Why people gotta mess up pasta with some meat taste/smell all up in it? Ewww x
I dont get a ham smell or taste from it at all, just cheese. I love it so much, I love the cheesiness of it and the saltiness of it, nomnom ;)
Oh no! I am feeling no warmth for the pasta
Oh no boooooo! Well we can't like everything. I remember being violently sick at the thought of a Cambridge weight plan vanilla milkshake, it made me go quite green! At least you've got some stuff you love! X
At least you only ordered one pasta so you haven't wasted your money !
Aww well a carbonara sauce is generally made with ham and cheese, sometimes bacon too. I think it's supposed to have a slight meaty taste. Shame u don't like it, but if it tastes like cheesy ham, then I probably will lol. Hopefully mine will arrive today and tomato soup day is tomorrow, so I'll be getting rid of those and having pasta instead. I got 5 cus I have 5 tom soups left!

Hey at least you love the porridge! :) I'd like to try the porridge but I think my system of having a nibble of ny bar and coffee in the morning instead of a whole pack works better for me, and I love the shakes :) x
Also, if he says you're not allowed it, just remind him you're only having 3 things a day and they will last a lot longer than a month! And it's cheaper than you buying single packs in the long run! If that doesbt work, there are things you can do to pursuade him ;) lol! A trick I've mastered xD
Well I've got a really really strong sense of smell and maybe meateaters can't smell it? I don't know but it just smells of ham to me. I didn't think it tasted anything like cheese either!

Shrimp - You might like it, but I just couldn't get over the smell of it. And what I imagine ham tastes like? I don't know what it tastes like.

Hayley - Haha! He knows I only have 3 things a day and he doesn't seem to give a toss. I've worked it out if I got the shakes & bars bumper pack AND the 50 porridges it would last for 44 days, which isn't bad is it? Also, nothing persuades him to seperate from money lol. Teach me your tricks! haha x
Haha! Just keep pestering him and well... I don't think my tricks would be appreciated on here lol! X
Haha! I shall!
Omg hahahahaha!!!
So I've been a busy bee this morning! The state of the kitchen that the bf left the kitchen in last night was shocking and I wasn't going to stand for it so I *had* to clean it. I did a thorough spring clean and rearranged some stuff as well. I threw away a few of the perishables that won't be used and I'm going to ask a friend that lives nearby if she wants some of my veggies since the bf doesn't "do" veggies. I'd rather give them away to her than to throw them away, seems a waste to me to do that. I can't stop walking into my beautiful clean kitchen and I'm hoping it stays that way! I also have a friend that can't stand the shakes and only loves the soups so we are gonna trade them. Yay! That's a huge weight off my shoulders as I thought I was just wasting money. Whew!

I think that I might FINALLY be in ketosis because my hands and feet are like blocks of ice and I'm absolutely freezing! :gen125: Hurrah! So far I've just had my chocolate shake mixed with coffee and it's a choc orange bar day. I'll probably end up having a strawberry shake for my last pack of the day. I'm saving my porridges for "special occasions" or when I feel I need something to eat. x
I've been cold today aswell. I'm wrapped up in bed atm, my son Alex and his daddy downstairs lol. I'm REALLY enjoying the peace and quiet! Alex is hyperactive so he's just mental all the time. He's really fun but sometimes I just need a lil break lol. I wish I had a friend to swap the tomato soups with :sign0137: might just privately sell them lol

Haha. It must come with the name Alex! My brother was like that when he was younger and I have a feeling my nephew Alex is gonna be the same haha! I'm glad I'll be rid of the soups. Yeck x
KillerCurls- sounds like you are in ketosis.. Or it's just blooming cold and summer is over
I know! FINALLY! I've been waiting for it long enough lol.
You mean England has summer? hahaha
Well I am not sure about the summer...the season just seem to be wet or dry!

and at the moments it's blooming wet up North
Very...but it's what we are used too
Haha that's SO true Shrimp!
It's raining here in Brummieland as well!
And raining in south Devon :( couldn't take my boy to the park today and he really wanted to go x