Thanks girls, yes i am feeling better - i think it was just an odd pregnancy thing rather than a bug...maybe my body's way of saying chill out and relax after a stressful couple of weeks, combined with what i think is a HUGE growth spurt....seriously my bump has got huge!
I felt much better on Saturday and spent the day with my sister (using her washing machine lol) and my niece and then yesterday i had a full on day of photographing three of my friends babies....about 6 hours of photography all in all....boy am i feeling it today! My knees and back hurt! Baby was pretty quiet yesterday i guess because i was so busy but seems to be making up for it seems very very busy in there whatever it is doing in it's little world...oh how i would love to see what it's doing in there.
26 weeks! wow, does it seem like it's flying for everyone? I seriously thought it would drag, and although 30 weeks seems a LONG way away....i cannot wait for baby to get to 33-33 weeks - it feels like it would have a much better chance of being OK if it can stay inside until then...keep seeing stories of all these babies being born early and i cannot even imagine how hard that must be! I just keep telling bubs to stay put and make it's self comfy!
No news...on the move yet - solicitors still sorting out queries! *sigh* starting to think it may not be before christmas now, with only 2 weeks of November left and the fact we have to wait 2 weeks between exchange and complete makes me think that getting in in December may not happen if we don't exchange very very soon! What is an acceptable amount of chasing? I am really not very good at chasing our solicitor i hate to feel like i am being a pain in the backside when i am assuming that today there wont be any new information from what i spoke to her about on Thursday. Do you think chasing again tomorrow is acceptable? or should i chase a lot more?! Help from any ladies of have been there and done that! Mike would have me calling them every hour if he had his way so we are definitely polar opposites in terms of what we feel is an acceptable level lol.
Anyways, i hope you girls are doing OK? I will try to catch up on diaries now