Kim's diary of being a new mum

Before you do that I would ring the solicitor and explain its packed up so will no longer be included... And see what he says.. Chance your arm... You'll be no worse off... Timing is CRAP!! Glad the car's sorted tho :) Any news on a closing date for either/both sales?x

I was just going to say the same thing - it's definitely worth a go. I'm sorry you've had so much stress on, not what you need right now at all :( Glad baby is being good and moving around lots for you though! xxx
Before you do that I would ring the solicitor and explain its packed up so will no longer be included... And see what he says.. Chance your arm... You'll be no worse off... Timing is CRAP!! Glad the car's sorted tho :)

Any news on a closing date for either/both sales?x

Well i spoke to a guy about the washerdryer who told me that he was 99.9% sure it's terminal just from what i've said...well not terminal but we are talking about 400quid to fix definitely not worth it.

I have spoken to the solicitor and she's suggested we explain the situation to the buyers and see what they come back with - she did warn me that they might get funny and insist it's replaced as the fixtures and fittings list has already been sent to now we just have to wait and see.

No more updates on when it might happen fact i think i was awake worrying about that last night, the what if i had baby early - that gives me 12-13 weeks left.....with christmas closure etc in there too! and we haven't bought anything for baby really as we are always thinking "we'll do it after we move" well starting to think thats not going to be the best idea unless Mike wants to roll me around the shops lol.

Thanks girls - it's certainly been a trying week...well year actually, lets hope 2014 isn't like this!!
Re: Kim's pregnancy diary


Today I was looking after niece Libbie who's 10 months old. She started crawling today.... well I say crawling it was more of a crab type movement with one knee on the floor and one foot.... had us in hysterics!

Getting lots of crampy period type pains today and was really hungry yesterday so I assume baby is growing and stretching my uterus a bit more! Still kicking up a storm which is good :)

Am email had been sent to or solicitor today saying the people we are buying from want to exchange contracts in the next 2 weeks..... so waiting to see if anything comes of it! Glad someone else is pushing our solicitor and not just me! Fingers crossed things move forwards!
Re: Kim's pregnancy diary

Urgh I feel rough this evening :( not sure if I've eaten too much today or if I've eaten something that my tummy doesn't like but my tummy hurts and keeps churning away making me feel sick. Bleurgh! Was meant to be editing photos from a photo session tonight but I can't see me doing much but laying on the sofa under a blanket.
I really hope my colleague hasn't passed on their tummy bug to me! I do hate it when people come in to work sick! :(
25+5 Urgh I feel rough this evening :( not sure if I've eaten too much today or if I've eaten something that my tummy doesn't like but my tummy hurts and keeps churning away making me feel sick. Bleurgh! Was meant to be editing photos from a photo session tonight but I can't see me doing much but laying on the sofa under a blanket. I really hope my colleague hasn't passed on their tummy bug to me! I do hate it when people come in to work sick! :(

Ooh no, fingers crossed it doesn't turn into something nasty. It's mega naughty to come into work ill I think, I know it's not that easy to take off for sons people though with money and stuff.

Plenty of rest and water for you xxx
Re: Kim's pregnancy diary

Still not feeling great this morning so Mike ordered me back to bed and told me no work today. I just feel really sicky and have had a bit of an upset tummy over night..... could be pregnancy related I guess but maybe a day of rest and daytime tv will make me better. Plus if it is a bug I don't really want to pass it around.
Still not feeling great this morning so Mike ordered me back to bed and told me no work today. I just feel really sicky and have had a bit of an upset tummy over night..... could be pregnancy related I guess but maybe a day of rest and daytime tv will make me better. Plus if it is a bug I don't really want to pass it around.

That's the best thing you could have done. If it is a bug going round at work you're probably better off staying away. Have a good rest and fingers crossed whatever it is goes away soon.
Still not feeling great this morning so Mike ordered me back to bed and told me no work today. I just feel really sicky and have had a bit of an upset tummy over night..... could be pregnancy related I guess but maybe a day of rest and daytime tv will make me better. Plus if it is a bug I don't really want to pass it around.

Definitely for the best! Plenty of rest and hope you feel better soon xxx
Re: Kim's pregnancy diary

Thanks girls. Currently snuggled under the duvet on the sofa catching up on 19kids and counting lol!
Hope you're feeling better
Hope you are feeling better hun x sorry to hear your feeling poorly :( xxxx
Hi honey,

How are you getting on? Bit late, but happy 26 weeks :D lol xx

How are you feeling now? Hope you're fully recovered xxx
Thanks girls, yes i am feeling better - i think it was just an odd pregnancy thing rather than a bug...maybe my body's way of saying chill out and relax after a stressful couple of weeks, combined with what i think is a HUGE growth spurt....seriously my bump has got huge!

I felt much better on Saturday and spent the day with my sister (using her washing machine lol) and my niece and then yesterday i had a full on day of photographing three of my friends babies....about 6 hours of photography all in all....boy am i feeling it today! My knees and back hurt! Baby was pretty quiet yesterday i guess because i was so busy but seems to be making up for it seems very very busy in there whatever it is doing in it's little world...oh how i would love to see what it's doing in there.

26 weeks! wow, does it seem like it's flying for everyone? I seriously thought it would drag, and although 30 weeks seems a LONG way away....i cannot wait for baby to get to 33-33 weeks - it feels like it would have a much better chance of being OK if it can stay inside until then...keep seeing stories of all these babies being born early and i cannot even imagine how hard that must be! I just keep telling bubs to stay put and make it's self comfy!

No news...on the move yet - solicitors still sorting out queries! *sigh* starting to think it may not be before christmas now, with only 2 weeks of November left and the fact we have to wait 2 weeks between exchange and complete makes me think that getting in in December may not happen if we don't exchange very very soon! What is an acceptable amount of chasing? I am really not very good at chasing our solicitor i hate to feel like i am being a pain in the backside when i am assuming that today there wont be any new information from what i spoke to her about on Thursday. Do you think chasing again tomorrow is acceptable? or should i chase a lot more?! Help from any ladies of have been there and done that! Mike would have me calling them every hour if he had his way so we are definitely polar opposites in terms of what we feel is an acceptable level lol.

Anyways, i hope you girls are doing OK? I will try to catch up on diaries now :)
Thanks girls, yes i am feeling better - i think it was just an odd pregnancy thing rather than a bug...maybe my body's way of saying chill out and relax after a stressful couple of weeks, combined with what i think is a HUGE growth spurt....seriously my bump has got huge!

I felt much better on Saturday and spent the day with my sister (using her washing machine lol) and my niece and then yesterday i had a full on day of photographing three of my friends babies....about 6 hours of photography all in all....boy am i feeling it today! My knees and back hurt! Baby was pretty quiet yesterday i guess because i was so busy but seems to be making up for it seems very very busy in there whatever it is doing in it's little world...oh how i would love to see what it's doing in there.

26 weeks! wow, does it seem like it's flying for everyone? I seriously thought it would drag, and although 30 weeks seems a LONG way away....i cannot wait for baby to get to 33-33 weeks - it feels like it would have a much better chance of being OK if it can stay inside until then...keep seeing stories of all these babies being born early and i cannot even imagine how hard that must be! I just keep telling bubs to stay put and make it's self comfy!

No news...on the move yet - solicitors still sorting out queries! *sigh* starting to think it may not be before christmas now, with only 2 weeks of November left and the fact we have to wait 2 weeks between exchange and complete makes me think that getting in in December may not happen if we don't exchange very very soon! What is an acceptable amount of chasing? I am really not very good at chasing our solicitor i hate to feel like i am being a pain in the backside when i am assuming that today there wont be any new information from what i spoke to her about on Thursday. Do you think chasing again tomorrow is acceptable? or should i chase a lot more?! Help from any ladies of have been there and done that! Mike would have me calling them every hour if he had his way so we are definitely polar opposites in terms of what we feel is an acceptable level lol.

Anyways, i hope you girls are doing OK? I will try to catch up on diaries now :)
I rang my solicitor EVERY day.. 10am.. And if he didn't return my call I rang his mobile and left a voice message.. So he could never say he didn't get my messages...
As I said it was this time last year and we didn't want to have to wait til new year.. Dec 31st 2012 was the deadline for FTB to get a Tax Relief payment so we wanted to get in on that... Unfortunately it meant so did all the other FTB out there so it was a busy time.. And Dec 13th was the cut off point for the applications so I didn't care how annoyed they got.. I was paying them a small fortune and I wanted it done!! And the more you annoy them, the more they want you gone... Its such a stressful time anyway without having to chase them so it really is a massive pain in the bum!!

Glad baby is more active today but my God... 6 hours of photography.. you need to take it easy...
I rang my solicitor EVERY day.. 10am.. And if he didn't return my call I rang his mobile and left a voice message.. So he could never say he didn't get my messages...
As I said it was this time last year and we didn't want to have to wait til new year.. Dec 31st 2012 was the deadline for FTB to get a Tax Relief payment so we wanted to get in on that... Unfortunately it meant so did all the other FTB out there so it was a busy time.. And Dec 13th was the cut off point for the applications so I didn't care how annoyed they got.. I was paying them a small fortune and I wanted it done!! And the more you annoy them, the more they want you gone... Its such a stressful time anyway without having to chase them so it really is a massive pain in the bum!!

Glad baby is more active today but my God... 6 hours of photography.. you need to take it easy...

Maybe i am being too nice with my every few days chasing! I will call them tomorrow and see if i can get any ideas on when this might happen. I think it might even be time to pull the pregnancy card out lol! I can't imagine that any solicitor wants to deal with a heavily pregnant stressed woman on their hands!

Yeah i know 6 hours was pretty tough, although my friends kept me fed and watered. One more session to go next weekend then i am doing none (apart from family) until after baby is here. it's just sods law that everyone wanted photos before christmas and i was too nice to say no! The worse part is i have been doing most of them for free as they have been friends! :rolleyes:
Maybe i am being too nice with my every few days chasing! I will call them tomorrow and see if i can get any ideas on when this might happen. I think it might even be time to pull the pregnancy card out lol! I can't imagine that any solicitor wants to deal with a heavily pregnant stressed woman on their hands!

Yeah i know 6 hours was pretty tough, although my friends kept me fed and watered. One more session to go next weekend then i am doing none (apart from family) until after baby is here. it's just sods law that everyone wanted photos before christmas and i was too nice to say no! The worse part is i have been doing most of them for free as they have been friends! :rolleyes:

Oh no.. So you're not even paid for being left with an achy back...
No you need to stop being too nice now and look after yourself..
You have been mega busy! Slowing down has to happen sooner or later and I know I'm a fine one to talk but do as I say and not as I do ;) If you start hurting it's your body saying stop so do what you're told ;) Hope you have some joy with the house move soon - I'm sure you'll feel a tonne better once that's all resolved xxx
Gosh, you've been busy hun! Remember to take it easy though :) Our bodies can't do what they used to ;)

Hope you're well today hun xx