I've just read that post for a second time and with a completely different perspective. The first time I read it I wasn't even halfway through my weightloss journey, I decided to pretty much ignor it because I had vowed that I would never get fat again. Needless to say I got to target, stayed there for a good long while, then bad habits crept in and weight crept on again.
You wont be the first. I find that people who are dieting generally ignore anything to do with maintenance. Most 'assume' it'll be okay. If it goes back on, they start reading more about the maintenance side, though some don't. Some prefer to just keep trying what they did before to see if they get different results.
Sort of reminds me of the autobiography post I did. I must search that out.
Mind you, even then things can go a bit crooked. When you have an intellectual understanding of it all but struggle to work it into real life. That's the tricky bit
When I was doing the diet I was frustrated at the lack of maintenance talk. Hints and tips. What people were doing etc. It seemed odd that everyone was dieting, and I assume intended to keep it off forever, rather than just a week, yet nobody was interested in how to do it...or how not to do it!
It's a silent community and maintainers will only talk about it if they happen to be dieting to maintain, and in which case they tend to just talk about the dieting side.
I swore that I would write about maintenance. How I felt, what I was learning, what was working and wasn't working. Stuck to that promise aswell, but it's hard to keep up because it's not an area of interest for most. So now most of my diaries are deleted. Still have bits around buried somewhere amongst the many words on here.
This time I read and really thought about what the article said, and it's not necessarily all negative and doesn't condem formerly obese people to a life of permanent fatness (which is what I thought the first time). It's just a warning that we have to work a bit harder and pay a bit more attention than other people.
Exactly! I posted the thread long ago. I've learnt much more about this since. There's another thread on the LL forum where I talked about leptin. It's a sticky there...bodyset something. Can't remember

You may like to have a little 'big' read sometime.
I wont comment on your maintenance plan as it's very different from my own. Mine's right for me, and yours may well be right for you....time will tell. I hope it works for you because it's soul destroying going up and down/up and down.