Littleflower I feel your pain - I REALLY struggle after a few weeks.
I'm at the end of week 6 now - I've only got this far because I did a week of S&S where you can have small amounts of veg and they have some meal type foods.
I'm trying exante this week and am struggling again with just a shake, soup and bar a day...
BUT what i've done is set goals - I HAD to do LT 100% for 4 whole weeks... I HAD to do S&S (mixed with LT) until it ran out... Now I HAVE to do my 22 packets of exante...
I made myself a little chart so I could see what was what and when - maybe a little sad but it helped me.
I am going to use the exante to refeed so I only have another 3 days of 100% food replacement.
I AM going to refeed properly - not have a curry on day 4...
Little goals are so much easier than saying, "I'm going to do this for 12 weeks"... Give yourself a weeks or even a few days goal... It kinda makes it easier.
Even saying, I can refeed when I reach (insert number) pounds may help you...
Mini goals - great for when you're struggling.
Also, how about a treat... If I get to XXX weight then i'll buy myself a nice bag/shoes/book/man
... etc...