where are you going on holiday babe?
As for your STS, I can only suggest a few things. Sometimes we all get too comfortable in our fitness and dieting we become a little laid back with the rules that got us to where we are. Look at your MFP diary and see if you've allowed food portion sizes to get slightly bigger, your workouts to get a little shorter (or missed altogether) or if you have been sneaking a few more fun-size chocolate bars into the day than usual. You're food diary seems fine to me, but I can't determine if they're big portions/small portions etc. I can only look at what you tell me, only you know the ins and outs of them. It's the same with your exercise. You might be doing half an hour, but is it with the same intensity as it used to be?
For me, I never reached a STS for more than a few days but when I did, I cut my MFP recommended daily calories by 100-200 each day for a week or two. Don't do this if your caloric intake is already set at 1200 calories, which I think it is so if I were you I'd increase calories by 100-200 for a week and see how it foes. Remember, you may have to experiment a little to find out what works. This is where you're going to have to learn your body. Just because MFP tells you that you must take 1200 doesn't mean it's right. It certainly wasn't right for me.
I'd also take a look at your workouts. If you have been doing the same workout, the same way for the same amount of time for the last month or so, you can start to plateau. Like anything else, your body will eventually adjust to your current workout routine. You can do three things to most workouts: increase the amount of time you workout, increase the intensity, and/or change the type of workout/exercise. A 15-minute increase is all you need to reinvigorate the body and jumpstart your metabolism. Also, changing the type of exercise and the way you do them produces a major shock to the metabolism. If you do a lot of cardio, try addiing some weight training. And if you do a lot of weights like yoru kettle bells try easing off them for a few days and go for a power walk for 20 minutes instead., If you run on the treadmill all the time, do a couple of runs outside. Personally, I change my workout routines every six weeks and do a combination of cardio and weight training.
Then I'd recommend taking a look at your other activities. What are you doing beyond the exercise? Just a few tweaks during the day can work wonders. For example: taking the stairs at work or parking in the farthest parking space at work and walking to your office building. With the warm Spring/Summer weather, I burn an extra 400-500 calories a week cutting the grass

The fun part of this fitness journey is experimenting. Try incorporating some or all of the strategies above and see what happens. Give yourself a two week window in order to see some results. But like I said, this is your body, not mine so what works for me might not work for you but it's worth a try all the same
Good luck babe xx