I'm back. Off work today as I'm still on a phased return, so am going to head to the gym to work off some of that alcohol from the weekend, I was so bad! On friday night ended up sharing 4 bottles of wine with Irene and then on Saturday me and my friends went through to Edinburgh and was drinking vodka all night, not sure how many I had through there, but had near enough a half bottle before we went through. Diet wise have still managed to stay clear of those carbs, but we did get a takeaway on Friday night - got kebab meat with salad and coleslaw. Never had much to eat on Saturday, had a ham omlette for lunch and some babybels and peperamis, the usual but never had any dinner. On Sunday I had cheese strings, babybels n peperamis for dinner got a takeaway again but never ate much of it because it was making me feel sick! lol