Kirsty's pregnancy and new Mummy diary- from 30 weeks onwards!

They didn't say actually but I'm guessing I just peed myself :(
They did a test called a Specturm I think, when it can tell if you've lost any water, even if it's the tiniest amount and I hadn't lost anything :(
Have a had a little cry on my hubby, this is tough on my emotions :(
Ah I imagine it will be baby will be here soon enough :) xxx
Having a curry tonight- a hot one!
I will get this baby out!!!

Today is my due date!!!

Today's the day- not holding out much hope that baby will appear today tho...
I've had a lot of niggles overnight but don't feel much different.
Think I'm gonna continue with the spicy food today- I took some Rennie's before bed last night, just in case, and I feel fine. No indigestion at all!
Yay! So thinking I'm gonna cook a hot chilli for dinner tonight :)
So happy I can eat spicy food again- I've missed it!
Gonna take a walk today too, just to Tesco (where else? Lol!), maybe grab some pineapple while I'm in there....
I'm feeling a bit happier today- hubby really cheered me up yesterday, took me for a walk over the park with the dogs in the gorgeous sunshine and then buying the Indian for dinner :)
Food is the way to a girls heart haha!!!
I have a maximum of 12 days left, it's a weird feeling, as I want my baby here but I'll miss my bump :)
I'm trying not to dwell on baby not coming yet, just gonna focus on getting baby out!
And oh I forgot to add a pic-

This is possibly baby B's last bump pic :)


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Your looking very happy and glowing :) the countdown is on. Enjoy the sunshine and fingers crossed you meet your baby bundle asapxx
You're looking great :)
Hope walking and pineapple helps baby on it's way! X
You look great, 12 days left maximum! Enjoy yourself in the lovely sunshine (even if you spend most of it in the shade) x
Hi Kirsty your looking fab hun - its so tiring towards the end isnt it. Hopefully baby will be here sooner rather than later and we can see your gorgeous bundle of joy xx
Thanks girls- I've got an active baby right now! It seems to enjoy spicy food hehe!!

Been to Tesco, made a point of walking round the entire store, although I avoided the baby clothes section as I always spend money I don't have down there!
Got some sweet chilli noodles for lunch, really tasty and baby seems to like them too!
For dinner, we are either having a BBQ or a bolognese pasta bake, depending on the weather.
If we have a pasta bake, I'm going to make it a chilli bolognese one!
Found one of my old dresses still fits! Well, just, but it'll do for round the house and garden!
Wearing jeans in this weather is hard work, but it was all that fitted until I found my dress :)
Got a lot of lower down aches and niggles, feels like baby's head is there waiting!
Think I'll take it easy for a few hours and then take the dogs out when hubby gets home :)
Sounds like you wont have to wait 12 days to me lol. Hopefully the spicy food will do the trick. Yayyy to the dress, I was pregnant in the hot weather with mine its no fun, so uncomfortable and makes you irritable x
Sounds like you wont have to wait 12 days to me lol. Hopefully the spicy food will do the trick. Yayyy to the dress, I was pregnant in the hot weather with mine its no fun, so uncomfortable and makes you irritable x
I really hope not! Another 12 days of this would be a killer, but I've survived 40 weeks of pregnancy I'm sure I can manage 12 more little days lol!
I hope it does, if not, I'm enjoying it so I don't mind!
I am so so glad I haven't got to go through summer pregnant! I've told hubby if we have another, we'll make sure we start trying in early summer so baby's born late spring, at the latest!
My best friend has got an October and a November baby and I remember when they came to visit in August when she was pregnant with the October one and it was hot and she was really really suffering! No thanks! X
Come on baby B!! You look fab Hun x

Thanks :)

Just outside having a BBQ- most likely our last child free one, but I think I said that last time lol x

1 day overdue

Had a nice BBQ last night and it was actually healthier than usual- we made our own burgers and chicken and veg kebabs and BBQ'd loads of peppers and toms on the vine, yum yum!
Normally we'd buy all the meat pre-made but hubby is trying to lose some weight and I want to ease myself back into SW slowly so it becomes second nature once baby is here :)
Tonight I was going to make a hot chilli, but in-laws are popping over for a cuppa later and hubby said they've invited us over for dinner, all dependant on baby really.
So we might go there, I do like having someone else cook for me!!
I don't think we're doing a lot today other than enjoying this gorgeous weather :)
No change on the baby situation- got the usual niggles etc but nothing different...
I remember a friend telling me about her labour- she went 8 days overdue, went to bed at 10pm with no signs and by 10am her baby was here!!!
And it was her first!
So every night I go to bed, I'm thinking will it be tonight?!
I'm not as fed up as I was the other day, but I think that'll change as the week goes on, if baby stays put....
Another reason I'm anxious to get baby here soon is that my parents go on holiday 3 weeks today and I really want my mum around for the first few weeks and naturally she's reluctant to go on holiday, the more time she has with her grandchild the better!
Anyway off for a shower and then to enjoy the sunshine, will keep you all posted x