Never gets tired of SW!
Just read this for the first time hun!!! Thank you for being so incredibly honest and open! It's when people do this that everyone is able to offer their full support! I totally believe you can do this because I know you're not a quitter and most of all it's obvious that you long to do it! Please don't hesitate to ask for help, even if it's just a chat! I understand a little bit about manic depression as my father-in-law suffers with bipolar disorder, although I wouldn't patronise you and say that I know what it's like because although I have suffered with mild depression myself associated with post traumatic stress disorder after a serious car crash I can't begin to imagine how difficult it is to live with your illness. All I can say is please don't feel you're on your own! We're all in this together, many of us having tough times on the plan and in our personal lives and we're all here with a common goal! XXXX