Kitty Kicks Butt 32lbs gone forever.

Thank you I hope so. I had to have something so I've just had boots shapers crisps and bar, 178 calories and I've added it to mfp so I can't pretend it didn't happen! Now I have a large bottle of water to keep me company...

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Home eventually and the weather is awful so came in sort of sideways and with a big bump!
A good DD though, I could have let it go horribly wrong but I didn't and ended up with 429 calories. Very proud of myself and very ready for bed! UD tomorrow, out for lunch which I intend to enjoy thoroughly! Looking forward to some normality and a good week of UD/DD

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UD today, also happens to be the first anniversary of my Dad's death so we all got together as a family, did Mass, grave and then lunch out. There are far too many of us!! Exhausted now. Food all good though. I didn't have breakfast, then had a couple of chocolate nibbles in my Mums then lunch out was starter of melon/fruit/yogurt/compote followed by steak sausages, mash and pepper sauce. I think that might do me for the day, I'm stuffed (is it just me or can everyone not eat the same volume any more??) Pleased with that. Sneaky scale hop this morning showed an inevitable gain but not anything like I was dreading so hopefully most of it will be gone by WI on Saturday, fingers crossed.

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UD today, also happens to be the first anniversary of my Dad's death so we all got together as a family, did Mass, grave and then lunch out. There are far too many of us!! Exhausted now. Food all good though. I didn't have breakfast, then had a couple of chocolate nibbles in my Mums then lunch out was starter of melon/fruit/yogurt/compote followed by steak sausages, mash and pepper sauce. I think that might do me for the day, I'm stuffed (is it just me or can everyone not eat the same volume any more??) Pleased with that. Sneaky scale hop this morning showed an inevitable gain but not anything like I was dreading so hopefully most of it will be gone by WI on Saturday, fingers crossed. Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Sounds like a lovely day, I can't believe it's a year since you lost your dad honey, sending love xx

Ps nope I'm so stuffed after tea I am actually laying on the bed!
DD today, is it wrong to be pleased about this? Does this make me some sort of masochist?? I do enjoy a DD, think it must be some sort of control thing. Anyway, I have a couple of hours work to do today so that will keep me busy, then some bits of shopping to get. Hoping to go until dinner time before I eat, I have taken a chicken breast out of the freezer and will have that with salad and maybe some cheese depending how the calories go.

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DD today, is it wrong to be pleased about this? Does this make me some sort of masochist?? I do enjoy a DD, think it must be some sort of control thing. Anyway, I have a couple of hours work to do today so that will keep me busy, then some bits of shopping to get. Hoping to go until dinner time before I eat, I have taken a chicken breast out of the freezer and will have that with salad and maybe some cheese depending how the calories go. Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Well if you are I am too! DD for me & Rachel too x
I think we just need them over now!
Just had dinner. Chicken breast with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, carrot and a small amount of St Agur Creme. I have enough calories for a small packet of crisps later giving a total of 480 calories for the day. I also have a blinding headache but TOTM has arrived so that could explain that. All good!

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I think we just need them over now! Just had dinner. Chicken breast with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, carrot and a small amount of St Agur Creme. I have enough calories for a small packet of crisps later giving a total of 480 calories for the day. I also have a blinding headache but TOTM has arrived so that could explain that. All good! Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Well done on a successful fast day xx