Lainie's back and on a mission :)


Mini-Addict :)
Well, from reading through everyone else diaries, it's given me personally a lot of motivation with my own attempt at losing, so I thought I would start my own...

I have about 6 to lose in total (well, that would be my ideal, bringing me back to what I was when I was a young 17 (all those many moons ago!! I'm so old! :cry:)

I have my WI today, and after my weekend, I'm not really looking forward to it, I had all intentions of being super good (I'm only on number 3, lost 9 so far..) but after a BBQ on Saturday, dinner at the inlaws on sunday, and a meal out with friends on monday night, i fear it may have gone wrong.. I have tried to claw back some points, and have saved a couple, so I guess im ready for a little bit of a gain or maybe hopefully a STS.... I just dont want to lose the will to do it if it goes worse than i think it will!

Ah well... the old saying 'what will be , will be......'

Ciao for now peeps!! :)
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chin up Lainie we all have bad weeks - i started at the weight you are now and 2 years down the line i'm not anywhere near there but the point is i'm still chipping away and thats much better than giving up! :D

if WI doesnt go well then just think to yourself, its only one week, tomorrow is a fresh start :) xx

chin up Lainie we all have bad weeks - i started at the weight you are now and 2 years down the line i'm not anywhere near there but the point is i'm still chipping away and thats much better than giving up! :D

if WI doesnt go well then just think to yourself, its only one week, tomorrow is a fresh start :) xx

Thanks blackwidow :)

I just got back from WI, and somehow against all odds, I managed to lose 1!!! :) I couldnt have been happier, and my leader just said that it was obvious from the grin on my face that I hadn't been expecting it... So yeah!! Woo!! Guess it paid to stick to it even tho I'd lost the plot! lol :bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss:
get in!! Thats great... Obviously you werent as bad as what you thought you were... oh I love it when that happens!!
get in!! Thats great... Obviously you werent as bad as what you thought you were... oh I love it when that happens!!

Tell me about it! I've never been so relieved in my life, felt week three was too soon for it all to go wrong! ha ha... I've attempted this twice before now, and I'm determined that this time it's coming off and staying off!!!

Looks like you've been doing well, how have you kept yourself motivated when it gets tough? My weakness is the OH, complains that 'we never eat out like we used to'...its only been 3 weeks, men!! xx :devilangel:
Welcome! and well done on losing 9lbs so far... and then 1lb at WI today!! :D glad it went well for you! just shows you can let go a bit and still lose! hehe hope your having a good week xxx
Welcome! and well done on losing 9lbs so far... and then 1lb at WI today!! :D glad it went well for you! just shows you can let go a bit and still lose! hehe hope your having a good week xxx

Thanks Smirky :character00238: I think this forum really helps tbh, everyones so great and cos everyones in the same boat, it's easier to focus on keeping on track! Definitely what I was missing last time! :)

Well, after managing to keep the ol' loss going after a random weekend last week, and insisting to myself that all I would be was good this week, it went little pear shaped yesterday...

Was out at a display day yesterday advertising some of our offerings as youth workers and we were there from 10-6.30..... In my dash to get out and ready in the am, I failed to grab something to take with me for lunch and ended up getting a sandwich from Asda.. I attempted to get something good, but by the time I got there, all that was left was all the pants sandwiches, and one of the only things left that I actually liked was Chicken n stuffing...hmmmmm....

Then, to top it all off... by the time the end of the day came, me and OH were so exhausted, we ended up in Macs, tho i did get a mc chick sand which was prob not as evil as some other stuff...

But still, I ended the day feeling very very naughty and upset with myself...

But hey... will pull back for the rest of the week.... :sigh:
only 6 points for your McChicken Sandwich hun, not too bad!

i know the ww chicken and stuffing sarnies are 4.5.. so you might be looking at 7 for a regular pack?

still not too bad, keep your head up :) x
only 6 points for your McChicken Sandwich hun, not too bad!

i know the ww chicken and stuffing sarnies are 4.5.. so you might be looking at 7 for a regular pack?

still not too bad, keep your head up :) x

I guess it may not be as bad as I panicked... And probably managed to pull it back certainly on Friday, however, due to having a major fall out with OH on saturday, and him not communicating with me the rest of the weekend, I ended up feeling extremely sorry for myself yesterday, and myself and a friend went out for dinner last night, where I know I was very naughty..some days u just need some comfort , but I am really not happy with myself as I'm worried I'm beginning to slip. And I can't afford to. Sorry, just had a really rubbish weekend, and feeling so very low :( I'm being made redundant in November, and that combined with the row with OH at wkend, just tipped me over the edge :cry:

Ok...enough feeling sorry for myself, need to try and do some damage control, although I'm not expecting great results come wednesday.
Fingers crossed...

:devilangel:Ok, so my rebel brain was telling me, especially after sunday, that I'd mucked it up so I might as well enjoy myself for a couple of days, but for once, my logical side won over... i picked up a mushroom stir fry on the way home last night for tea, which worked out at no points , so all in all my tea last night was only 3 1/2 points by the time i had some noodles with it. Meaning I finished the day with about 13 points left over, which should hopefully have lessened some of sunday nights damage. My plan for today is to keep to as minimum points as possible (while still feeding myself properly lol) and just focus on keepin damage to minimum then after WI tomorrow, start completely fresh, 100% ... I know I can do this....I can!!
you CAN do this :) i totally agree. Well done on your pulling back - though that is a large amount of points to be saving in one day, so if you feel a little hungry today, dont deny yourself a couple of those saved points.

sorry to hear about your job, hope you manage to find something else which is better :) x
Oh the joys!

you CAN do this :) i totally agree. Well done on your pulling back - though that is a large amount of points to be saving in one day, so if you feel a little hungry today, dont deny yourself a couple of those saved points.

sorry to hear about your job, hope you manage to find something else which is better :) x

Cheers hon, I had a meeting this morning at work with our lawyer to sign a compromise agreement for terms of redundancy, so from today it's all legal, and as of the 30th Nov I'll be requiring some new employment. I'm not greatly upset really as my current job isnt really me - i work in insurance, but in my spare time Im a youth worker - talk about chalk and cheese!! Im doing a open uni degree at the mo in youthwork so maybe i'll be able to find something more suited to me and this was the kick up the backside i needed to find something else lol. Every cloud and all that.....

Well, weigh in at lunch today, and I am not looking forward to it... :cry:I know I've been a bit naughty this weekend, and I'm tempted to skip it and catch up for next week, but I know that if I do that it'll most likely just cause the start of the slippery slope properly.. We shall see, hopefully the damage isn't too horrendous, otherwise I will be most upset with myself (more than I already am! ha ha!) :sign0009:

Ok......... just back from WI, and 1.5 off!!!!!!! Woo!!!!! Have no idea how that happened, must have been better behaved last couple of days than I thought I was! Means Im only 1lb off my 5%!! woo!!!!! and 2.5 off first stone! Exciting times!! :bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss:
Next weight bracket!!

Completely overlooked the fact that this weeks loss has taken me into the 16's !! (it's also removed me a point, but hey!) Woo!!! Yay!! 15's here I come (thinking new wardrobe's not far off, trousers beginning to feel worryingly baggy lol :gimi:)

Laters peeps :)
Ho Hum...

Well, tonight is SUPPOSED to be date night, it's an unspoken holy law that Thursday night is not to be played with for anyone...but OH announces last night that he's not around tonight as he has to work late .... giant poo bum :( ... normally this would be ok but as we had a big tiff over weekend, I've not seen him properly since saturday, and I'm beginning to go through withdrawal... but, on the plus side, that leaves me all on my lonesome to enjoy waterloo road (how sad am i!!!) Just need to work out how to stop myself hitting the cupboards when 'been-at-home-alone-for-past-4-nights-boredom' takes hold... could be an interesting evening.. :17729:
bad phill sorry didnt see your diary , sorry havent posted feel free to punish me lol

Ha no worries! Think my diary as small as it is at the moment, just tends to be a whole load of rambling that prob doesnt even make sense to the crazy people!! The OH claims it's my Scottish blood, but i know it's just plain and simply cos I'm 'special'..... :p