Just dropping in to say hi and well done on your loss. A surprise loss is always welcome
Hope you had a fab night having full control of the tv remote and all that
Hope you are having a fine weekend
Yes definately face the weigh in on Wednesday, it maybe better than you think and if it isnt better to face up to it and start anew. Otherwise that dodgy couple of days can spread into a dodgy couple of weeks.
I've been in that struggling state for a few days too, but have woken up with a more positive head on today. We can do this, just think how fab you will feel buying those smaller sized trousers.
Have a great day
Look how great you feel when you lose the weight,remember that feeling when you step on the scales and have lost? I cant blip as one slight over points and I gain 22 years of yoyoing did that,just get in your head a christmas how great you'll feel you could be 1.5-2 stone lighterGood luck with weigh-in
Hi its really hard to change a life times eating habits,you are doing really well trying your hardest to change this so I hope you get there.
Maybe have a pamper nite when OHs not there a hot bubble bath facepack nails etc or invite a friend over for a girlie movie and low cal popcorn and diet coke?
I lived with my OH for over 5 years and moved out last year as we went through an awful patch and I am alone with 3 children so I understand how hard times can be.
Just think you can do this and you will do this,maybe save 2 points a day if you can for the tricky moments then have a snack pointed and guilt freexx
Sending positive thoughts for the weigh in tomorrow and good luck on buying the smaller trousers its a great feeling.
Don't you just hate it when that happens
but your new day, new week theory is great, roll on next week I'm sure you can do it
Great attitude there, I'm totally with you on the marathon not the sprint. We will get there in the end just maybe take the scenic route along the way.
You'll soon get that 1.5 off. Did you get the new trousers by the way. My boss told me today that I needed to get a belt which I suppose was sort of a compliment
You are so spot on there
when you have a lot to lose you have to think of it as a lifestyle change and getting there slowly but surely and taking it one day at a time.
I'm sure most of us would be lost without the support of our minimates
hope you have a lovely day Lainie