<< sneaks quietly back into diary, hoping that no-one will have noticed long absence....only to find that cover has been blown and absence has been noted....>>
Yay good news about the flat painting!
Have a super-duper weekend xo
Thanks hon

weekend was good, didnt really do much, but was way better than being in an office!


Pops in and waves at Lainie
have a great weekend hun x
Hi KalS!! <<waves back>> xx
hope you had a lovely noisy evening...
Yes, it was amusing, was a fun lesson, only 1 of the two girls turned up for the lesson, and she was scared to even touch the drums for ages cos she didnt want to break them...lol... by the end of it , she was sitting along with OH drumming along to Coldplay's Yellow
Really made me sad reading this... How times have changed! Although half the time it's happening in peoples homes, not drum lessons
Lainie, hope you can hear again now... Have a great holiday weekend chicki. xxx
It is disturbing, so many dodgy people have ruined it all for the genuine ones nowadays. we're not even supposed to hug kids anymore.. was definitely much better when i was younger..so difficult, especially when there are so many kids out there that aren't getting the affection and encouragement that they deserve just to develop into confident and assured adults.. Still, I wouldnt do any other job!
Have a mighty fine bank hol you
Thanks V, hope you had a great one too

will try and get to diaries later (im currently being rebellious again as it's mid afternoon and I'm at work lol) xx
Hope the weekend is going well chicki dee. xxx
Cheers Nic!

although it went far too fast for my liking!!!
Has your hearing returned yet
Fab news with the flat painting, you decided on any colours yet
Hearing wasnt too badly affected, she's a natural so it actually sounded pretty good
Not sure with flat painting , know that i want to put some kind of colour in bathroom as its all magnolia, but its also really quite small so not sure... Bedroom am going to do one wall pink, not anymore than that as curtains are shocking pink lol

In the lounge, the OH is debating what colour should go in there, he suggested peach, but im not sure lol .... And I've got a massive landing/hall so I'm thinking of doing that a nice warm yellow or something... Too many thoughts! ha ha!!
Well, weekend was busy busy... was face painting for about 7 hrs on saturday, great fun! created all sorts from hello kittys, zebras,tigers, monsters, giant strawberries, etc

great excuse to paint someones face ha ha
sunday was a bit of a doss around (always good for a bank hol!) and monday had coffee with OH and folks in am, around town in afternoon and back to mine for chill out in evening... it felt really busy but it was a lovely weekend. definitely beginning to develop a secret separation anxiety tho when my boy goes home

get so used to him being around over holidays, currently feeling like a week day widow...
Hope everyone has had a great weekend and a good start to the week so far, catch up soon, better do some work for a bit lol

laters peeps!!
