Last 'diet' of my life - 8 stone gone!

Oh no!! Can you get an emergency appointment in the morning to get it checked out?

Lol thanks Jim.

The clinic is only open on a monday and thursday morning. Its not the end of the world, just a pain.
Yay a loss of 5.1 lbs this week and its the weekend. Does it get any better than this? :D.

Can't believe the scales start with 179. Admittedly only just but can't believe how good it feels.

I won't have time to get on again today so I hope everyone has a great weekend and ill catch up on Monday.
fabtastic Jo :) well done babes. Re the coil - why do you think that? maybe its the diet playing havoc - i know mine does. and bloomin bodies I know its awful having totm when you dont want it . We are so similar at the moment its wierd LOL
JIM - did you mean other means as in contraception or as in other means to you know.... ;)
Morning Jo, that's a great loss love, well done :)
Whoop well done :D

Have a great weekend..and behave ;)
I did consider the diet Vicky but since I've not had any problems before I'm not sure. Other than some spotting when my coil was changed this is the first period I've had in 8 years.

Right I have a phone call to make before I head out. Catch up on Monday!
erm lisa me and tickle are winning. but ill deffo give you a million :D
I have a list already girls. we will meet up first and ill hand out the cheques :D
omfg Lisa that bathroom!!! and Suz the views!!!
omg yes lets buy them all :)
now girls...are we off to get lipo in LA first???
cool. LA for Lipo and anything thinking boobies for me :) oh and full teeth done. then where shall we go clothes shopping?