Last Person To Post Wins

Me again!! :D:D
It's me
Haha I love the dancing emotion too Mally :) Starting my 'Allan G' speech now "I've been here since the beginning.......blah blah blah" Lmao! Truth is though, I have and he hasn't so, technically, I'm already the winner! Yay! :D:queen:
You really do know how to chose the right emotion don't you? Hahah.
The challenge put forth was to be the last one to post, therefore this is an on-going battle, which I plan on winning. :angel09:
:king2: Im Back to take the crown.

How can you take what's not legally yours?? :queen: :asskick: :8855: That's me, the Queen, me kicking your arse and finally me pmsl'ing hahahaha!!!

Hahaha, errm Allan your emotion looks rather sheepish and worried... Is there an explanation for that? :king:

:queen: Just for you Mally, that's me wearing my crown 'cos I'm Queen of this thread and therefore, the winner :p
Look guys, I know it is difficult to come in second best, but sometimes you have to accept defeat and not succumb to being a sore looser. I know it's painful, but it's a reality you're going to have to face up to. Sorry to have to break it to you like this. :wave_cry:
Look guys, I know it is difficult to come in second best, but sometimes you have to accept defeat and not succumb to being a sore looser. I know it's painful, but it's a reality you're going to have to face up to. Sorry to have to break it to you like this. :wave_cry:

Oh Mally, Mally, Mally......... all I saw was :blahblah: Sorry to disappoint you.........NOT! :sign0151:
Oh Mally, Mally, Mally......... all I saw was :blahblah: Sorry to disappoint you.........NOT! :sign0151:

I am sincerely sorry for your eyesight problems. What condition is it that you have? I have heard of jumbled words on a page, but never repetition of the word 'blah', you really ought to get that checked out. Maybe capital letters will be more legible for you.
I AM THE WINNER! :whistle:
:whoopass: Carol thats for you, i have told you about your Delusions of Grandure before, now run along and make your king a nice brew :copon:
Allan, small typo you made there. You were meant to say 'Queen'.

:D No I was right first time, i have been fighting Carol for the crown for 5 years and she hasnt beaten me yet.:D