Last Person To Post Wins

:D Ha ha carol, very funny NOT!!!!, you cant keep a good man down :D
:D Bring it on, many have tried, none have managed to beat me yet :D
Haha sorry folks I'm the one and only winner of this thread! There's no prize so if you don't mind I'll close it down and put it to sleep :D Nighty night, sleep tight, don't let the door hit your tushy on the way out ;):D
good night
:D Sorry Carol as one door closes another opens, and i enter the race to become the one and only winner of this thread. :D
Hahaha nah Allan, there's no chance of you ever winning this thread. You're just too stubborn to realise that you're the weakest link and I'm the outright winner. Now run along and go and clean out the Royal toilette and when you've done that run my bath and make me a nice cup of hot chocolate to drink while I'm relaxing in my hayooge bath! Oh and don't bother trying to trick me by filling it with cold water, I'm on to you mate, alright?? ;)
:D Three weeks on top, have you been enjoying your time in the dungeons again? :whip:
:D I will have to see what im working if you tell me the dates :D PS, im on top again
:D Hello Ladies, the King is back, hi becky, long time no hear, hope everything is ok with you. :D