Last Person To Post Wins

wow! i cant believe we all left maggie to (attempt) to take the crown here all afternoon... hehehe.
not for long. never fear, Dis is here.

((oh and maggie, i'm doing just fine and dandy today thanks for asking hun. and yourself?))
Evening..thought I would lull you into a false sense of securing the crown...Now I will take it off you!

(doing great thanx Dis, just had my last shake of the day feeling positive)
just when you thought it was safe, dis sneaks up behind you and plucks it off mags head....

but i get the feeling, she's going to beat me down with her royal staff/cane thingy...
ahh i see. i used to live in liverpool..then over on the wirral...

just curious, thats all. surprised you didnt say you lived on johnny's private tropical island. lol

oh, and i see we have a new winner: me!