Last Person To Post Wins

I dunno, I leave you kids alone for 9 hours and look at the trouble you get yourselves into! :rolleyes::confused::D

Now Mandi, didn't I tell you to keep your secret Hoff fetish all to yourself? You know how people can tease! :D:D

Anyway, off to bed now, so no getting up in the night to post on this thread okay? You kids need you sleep lol.

Goodnight and my the Good (Hoff) fairy sprinkle (Hoff) stardust on your biffies. :D

YAY!! I WIN!! :p:p:p:D
I need to put the record straight before you all really think i like that .....NOT a hoff fan honest!

Here's my hero....


My lovely James

lol He looks like Ricky Gervias. I win.

RICKY GERVIAS!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!

James Hetfield is hot, hot, hot how can you possibly dis a g0d, he's a babe. MY BABE!.....:eek: :D

I dunno, I leave you kids alone for 9 hours and look at the trouble you get yourselves into! :rolleyes::confused::D

Now Mandi, didn't I tell you to keep your secret Hoff fetish all to yourself? You know how people can tease! :D:D

Anyway, off to bed now, so no getting up in the night to post on this thread okay? You kids need you sleep lol.

Goodnight and my the Good (Hoff) fairy sprinkle (Hoff) stardust on your biffies. :D

YAY!! I WIN!! :p:p:p:D

LOL, well Carol my sercet is finally out i can't hide it
