Last Person To Post Wins

see you later sonia
:D im Back to reclaim my throne after three nights of dealing with muppets and thier fireworks :D
Oh yes muppets and there fireworks there are plenty of them round here:rolleyes: Anyway Allan you may deserve a crown for dealing with them muppets but the crown for this thread belongs to SONIA.:p:p:p:D
:D Morning Ladies, you lord and master is back on the WINNERS!!! spot after a short break :p Just in case you forgot who is the champion it`s ME!!!!:D
I think it's YOU that has forgotton that the crown belongs to ME!:queen::p

:D Morning maggie, i regret to inform you that it is you that is mistaken, i have just called the men in white coats to come and section you, thus leaving me the crown and winners spot :p
Too Late hubby says I should be cerified LOL

:D Mind you being locked up in a padded cell and chained to the wall........:D think of the fun and games you could have :p
:D Ah let the fun begin, now you two are there to gang up on me, i have just been shopping :D but i am back now to sit on my throne and rule with an iron fist :p
:D No kitchen fitters still in, another week without a kitchen, :sigh: but it means i have plenty of free time to annoy you lot on here :D