Last Person To Post Wins

Damm! Thought if I kept quiet you would forget about this thread and I would be the winner!!:D
An hour til soup time for me, an hour til bacon and eggs time for my dad :eek:

But he's giving me a lift to my yoga class tomorrow so I'm cooking it for him.
Work tomorrow for me unfortunately but Yr 11 students have left so a quiet day!:)
Work tomorrow for me unfortunately but Yr 11 students have left so a quiet day!:)
Work is easier than weekends at the moment, although I would not fancy a teachers job especially as the end of term gets closer and they are all getting stir crazy :eek:
And year 13s (unless your school doesn't have a 6th form).

I'm in year 12 and it's lovely and quiet in the 6th form area now the year 13s have left :D
No our school only goes upto yr 11 at the mo but new sixth form opening September. Much nicer teaching sixth form!:D
Hehe, yeah my form tutor hates children (so he became a teacher.)
He was lucky this year to get a 6th form tutor group :p
He can put up with us, just not below year 11 :p
I love teaching. You can have such a laugh with some of the students. It is a real vocation though, you have really got to want to do it not just go into it because you cant think of anything else! Kid are so easy to wind up too....we have great fun!:D