LauraLoo and baby number 2

Having one of those 'if I don't eat now I might actually die' kind of days.

I've had lunch already. 2x wholemeal toast, beans, scrambled egg and mushrooms. Happy with that. Hoping it'll keep me full for a while.

Dinner is looking like basa fillet, a pea, pancetta and onion mix with carrots. Andy bought me a Wispa last night that I've not eaten yet...I think it'll be gone tonight :)

Determined to reign in the junk. It's just so easy to eat convenience food when most things are making you feel rough and standing in front of an oven for more than a few mins sounds like hell. I can't stand the smell of it. And I swear the smell keeps lingering on my hair...I want to weep when my little girl asks for sausages. Sausage hair!! Noooo!

I might have a peek on the scales in the morning. I know I've gained more than I should have by this point and whilst I don't necessarily want to lose I'd be happy if the number stayed the same for the next few weeks. That's my aim anyway.
I stuck to my plan yesterday and felt great for it so plan to do the same again today.

I've not weighed. I know I'm about 11 stone, I can feel it in my clothes. My hips are wider, my waist is disappearing and my boobies are huge :D (so not all bad).

I'm finding myself reaching for any size 12s I have lurking in my wardrobe. Glad I kept a few now. Not even attempting my 10s anymore. 8s seem impossible right now! Will need to invest in maternity jeans, tights and leggings but hoping I have enough tops and dresses to get by. I don't want to spend loads on maternity clothes or bigger sizes. I don't want too much of a safety net afterwards.

Breakfast was bran flakes and a banana.
Lunch will probably involve bacon because it needs using. Not sure what exactly.
Dinner will be pasta in a tomato and mascarpone sauce. Calorific but yum and proper food at least.

Oh and randomly last night I HAD to go to the shop to buy Granny Smith apples. Had one then actually got excited about putting them in the fridge so I could have a really cold one today. Odd. X
The stretching pains have gone and all of a sudden I look pregnant :D my 'bump' has got higher and more bump like. Yay. Bit huge for not quite 12 weeks though but I'm just going with it. Nowt I can do. I suppose because this is my second I'll show quicker.

Yesterday's food was as planned. With the addition of some chocolate brownie ice cream. Oops. Still an improvement on how it has been though.

Not sure on food today. Uh oh. Never good.
Breakfast was bran flakes with banana and raisins.
Lunch, erm, I'm not sure. I'm fancying a ham salad sandwich with salad cream. Don't think I've had salad cream since the 90's!
Dinner will either be fish or chicken with veg, waiting on the OH to get back to me with his decision.

I'm feeling much more in control foodwise than I have for the past few weeks. I'm not feeling sick today or as tired as I have been so I'm going to get out and about while I'm in the mood :)


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I never have salad cream but its a winner now ha ha .

Aw every ones different at least you dont have to put up with the beer belly stage for long ha ha x
I never have salad cream but its a winner now ha ha .

Aw every ones different at least you dont have to put up with the beer belly stage for long ha ha x

I had salad cream on my tea as well. I was so happy. It was exactly as I'd hoped :D so strange!

Thats true, I love looking pregnant but know I'm going to feel a bit silly if anyone asks how far along I am. Eek. I might say 6 months so they can tell me how small I am :D
Another good day yesterday :) We've not ordered in since Saturday (that shouldn't be an achievement...but it is). I've actually been using my cooker without gipping. Yay!

This nice weather has thrown me. I have nothing to wear!

Speaking of nothing to wear, on a completely random note, it's my little girls nursery photo day today (awww) and I feel like I really misjudged the vibe :D there were some girls in full on sleeveless, frilly party dresses. Mia is just in a pink denim skirt and a top. It made me feel sad! She needs new clothes too, I've just decided, we are going shopping tomorrow!

Breakfast will be weetabix and a banana.
Lunch...probably something with salad cream!
Dinner is looking like chicken wrapped in bacon with cheese and veggies.
I think there might also be some Jamaica ginger cake in my life too since it's sat in the kitchen calling my name.

I prefer plainer clothes on photos they dont tend to look as out of date years on. But a girlie shopping trip sounds fun x
I love our girly days. We nearly always do something just us on a Friday. I'm going to miss that when she starts school :(
The weather is meant to be good so hopefully we can make a day of it and have a little alfresco lunch too.
I'm sure her pics will be lovely because she's gorgeous (naturally :) ) I just didn't expect the kids to be so glam! Ha ha. Luckily she's having a good hair day (she's super curly and can sometimes wake up looking like a nutty professor) and I wiped the Nutella off of her face so it's not all bad :D X
12+5. Oooh 2nd tri here I come :)

I have a scan tomorrow, I'm a little nervous but excited to see my little peanut again.

Food wise still going good. Much better than I had been previously. The sickness seems to have lifted. Although I started taking a new vitamin tablet yesterday and felt so sick but I took it on an empty stomach so had one after breakfast today and so far so good.

We are off to York tomorrow after the scan for a few days. Get to squidge my seriously cute 4 month old nephew. Yay!

12+5. Oooh 2nd tri here I come :)

I have a scan tomorrow, I'm a little nervous but excited to see my little peanut again.

Food wise still going good. Much better than I had been previously. The sickness seems to have lifted. Although I started taking a new vitamin tablet yesterday and felt so sick but I took it on an empty stomach so had one after breakfast today and so far so good.

We are off to York tomorrow after the scan for a few days. Get to squidge my seriously cute 4 month old nephew. Yay!


Oh have fun at your scan. I love seeing baby! Enjoy your get away too. York is only just over a hour away from where I live ;) it's a lovely place xx

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Oh have fun at your scan. I love seeing baby! Enjoy your get away too. York is only just over a hour away from where I live ;) it's a lovely place xx

Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins

Thank you :)
I'm in Sheffield so not too far. My brother and his family have lived there for a few years and my Mum moved up there a couple of months ago. It's lovely. X
I went in to my scan 12+6 and came out 13+1 :D

13+5 already. Almost 14 weeks. Eek. Is it strange that that sounds 'properly' pregnant to me?? Yay.

Our scan was amazing. Baby was showing off for it's audience. The lady doing our scan was in fits of giggles. Turning it's back, laying on it's tummy. Oh and I'm in trouble when the peanut gets stronger, he/she was repeatedly bringing both knees up and booting me for all they were worth :D I'm a bit scared now! Ha ha.
I was kind of glad baby was being difficult because it meant we were in the for a good half an hour. Yay. Saw OH get very misty eyed which was lovely. He's convinced we have a mini him on our hands. Whilst one of each would be lovely, a girl would mean we wouldn't have to buy a thing :D we have a cellar full. Pretty sure I haven't got rid of anything over the years! I need to start going through all the bags/boxes at some point...but...I don't want to!

Food wise has been...average. But I'm feeling great. No more sickness. A lot less tired. In fact I don't feel particularly preggers. I look it though...
I'm over 11 stone already. But I'm ok. I figured it's my problem and I'll deal with it when I'm ready and it's all for an amazing reason :)
My mum is loving pregnant me. She's had over 2 years of me saying no to all the lovely treats she suggests...but now I'm like, bring it on!
York was fab. Was nice to get away. OH back at work but it's half term so I still have my little buddy.


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Ugggggggh. I've started something that I wish I hadn't!! I'm surrounded by baby debris and I'm not sure what to do with it all!! :D

I'm tackling bag mountain in the cellar with the hope of sorting neutral (we have quite a bit of neutral newborn due to not finding out what Mia was) from girl.

It started off fun but now I'm just in a mess! I'm finding some treasure though. I've just uncovered a lidded plastic box full of unused white towels and white cot bedding. Winner! :D

Will attach some pics. Bear in mind that bag mountain does not include cot, travel cot, pram, Moses basket, car seat or baby no real bulky items. It's ridiculous. Oh I guess she can't be blamed for the Xmas tree and 2 bags of decorations. And I'm adding the carnage I've done to the back half of my living room...luckily I can sit in the front bit with my back to it!!


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I had a helper for all of 5 mins!

Neutral newborn pile vs girl newborn pile :D
I've found some seriously cute things. No idea what to do with everything if bubba is a boy!

I'm laughing with fondness at first time mum me. I've just uncovered a bag with 5 Moses basket bottom sheets, 5 flat sheets and 8!!!! cellular blankets for the Moses...Mia was in sleeping bags almost straight away! Ha!
I also have a similar amount of neutral bedding for the cot and even more girl cot bedding. I'm so OCD at times. I remember freaking out about bedding and 'togs' and baby getting too cold...or too hot. Awww.


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14 weeks today and a gain of 9lbs. Eek. And now I'm in tri 2 I'm sure I'll be packing the lbs on. Ah well. I'm not about to go hungry while I'm pregnant. If I even get a tummy rumble I feel sick and dizzy :D
6 weeks tomorrow until my next scan! Very excited.

I ache so much today, up and down the cellar stairs with bags and boxes then up and down 2 more flights of stairs to store things in one of the spare rooms. I did get the 'look' from Andy last night when he carried a few bags for me. I think, in my defence, I'd forgotten I was pregnant! I also think I've gone a bit mad and I'm very grateful he's just letting me get on with it. He's offered to help but I'm too much of a control freak :D

I'm feeling much more organised. All neutral is separated and ready to be washed later on. 2 bags of clothes and a box full of bedding, towels and blankets.
All girl clothes/bedding/blankets etc are bagged and tagged by age/size and ready to go if we do end up using them...approx 15 bags full!! And by bags I mean black bin liners! Madness. Ha ha.

There were a few casualties, the door bouncer and Highchair hadn't stored well at all. We have so much stuff already though. It's exciting!
There's about 6 more bags/boxes to sort through that just say 'toys' so I'm excited (but in a less of a rush) to see what's in those.

I've heard a rumour that Primark in Meadowhall have a bit of maternity so we might go for a little trip .

14+4 :) almost 15 weeks pregnant. It seems to be speeding up all of a sudden. It felt a bit like I was 10 weeks for aaaages.

Monday already, my little buddy back at nursery tomorrow. Admittedly she only does 15 hours but I'm feeling a bit sad about it. I'm becoming very aware that school is getting closer and closer and whilst I'm excited for her I can't help but feel like she's being taken away :(

Anyway, midwife on Thursday. Hopefully hear baby :) Mia will be coming with me since the midwife only does Thursday afternoons, it'll be nice for her to hear too so fingers crossed. There's a lot less appointments second time round and I kind of like it that way. I like to be left to get on with things but know there's help if I need it...which hopefully I won't.

We've been talking about home births. I'm kind of in to the idea but Andy isn't. I understand his concerns, one of his main ones is Mia being in the house and seeing/hearing anything upsetting. My Mum would be here to look after her and take her out if it's not a school day but none of our family live in Sheffield so there'd be nowhere else for her to go.
I just love the idea of being in my own home. My own bed. Bliss. Still got plenty of time to decide though...errrrrm not sure I'd like to clean up any 'mess' though. Would that be my responsibility?!

Oh and if anyone was interested...Primark maternity...don't bother. Very disappointed!! I'm struggling with clothes. A lot of maternity is so frumpy and flouncy and soooo not me. I'm probably just going to go along the bigger normal clothes route...but don't know what size to get!!

I couldnt imagine a home birth but this is my first !

I just got some mat leggings/ jeans and so far have got away with my bigger clothes from when i was a bit heavier just a size up there are just a bit shorter on me. A few have been my normal size for work where i want to hide my bump more but got shirts with elastic at the bottom and are fine. Also tea dresses with the elastic fit nice again just a bit short so need some mat tights!

Have a look on everything £5 online no point in spending a fortune although i get my normal clothes from here!

Aw must be sad having the little one at nursery will just have to make the most of you 'two time ' xx
I couldnt imagine a home birth but this is my first !

I just got some mat leggings/ jeans and so far have got away with my bigger clothes from when i was a bit heavier just a size up there are just a bit shorter on me. A few have been my normal size for work where i want to hide my bump more but got shirts with elastic at the bottom and are fine. Also tea dresses with the elastic fit nice again just a bit short so need some mat tights!

Have a look on everything £5 online no point in spending a fortune although i get my normal clothes from here!

Aw must be sad having the little one at nursery will just have to make the most of you 'two time ' xx

I think the little bit of hippy in me quite fancies it :D but then I rather enjoyed my epidural last time. Ha.

We are going to a little local festival in a couple of weeks and I read yesterday they have a healing tent with birthing advice. I reckon they'll be dragging me in and telling me to imagine my uterus as the colour purple or something :D

Oooh I'll have a look on there thanks, do they charge a million pounds for postage to make up for it?

We are at the swings now and it's got really hot all of a sudden! I'm pretty much dressed for winter. Warm pregnant lady fail! :D

How many weeks are you now? How are you getting on? X
No they go off weight i can spend £60 sometimes and usually works out with postage £6 an item in a bit obsessed tbh dresses shoes bags, got a whole wedding outfit for £20 ! Not that it will ever fit again! Only ever had on bad thing real and couldn't be bothered to send back
Im just struggling with things gaping on my back so think il get mat vest tops and just wear normal open shirts cardis etc

O no i was the same yesterday and had an old vest top on under a jumper that was far too short to reveal!

Im nearly 27 weeks and alls well so far xx
Thick black tights and a long sleeve black top were a bad idea!

I've just been having a look on everything for £5...I'm actually impressed. There's some funky looking stuff. Unsure on sizes though.
I've just spent £20 on a top today and I'm already thinking 'but I could've bought 4 for that!!'. Might take it back :D

Wow 27 weeks, final tri here you come!! X