Laura's bit of everything diet!

They have them at my gym but I hardly use them. I use the jaccuzi sometimes. I think its cos they are always full of posing men, trying to sweat out some pounds :/
hah! so accurate!
Hey Thrashscara, your pic just showed up for the first time,


i second that
makes me wanna dye my fro an awesome colour lol

whats worse in the gym is grandas in the hot tub grossss

mmmm hairy backs

thanks girlies, its been every colour of the rainbow but i mostly keep within the pink/red spectrum ;)

ahhh its beautiful! I miss having my hair every colour in the spectrum but I dont really feel like I can pull it off any more!
Well todays update Ladies!!

I havent been to the gym, but I AM DOING WORK.




No really. I actually am.

Yes and I still haven't bloody finished it!

Arghghh its going to be crap haha
hahah yeah I hate doing them too. Im quite confident to speak up in lectures but that is more casual. The thing I hate is everyone looking at me. I know they are all thinking about how big I am. I wish I could be invisible and they just hear my voice lol Well anyway these presentations arent infront of the whole class, were split into smaller groups, so I think 6/7 people, I can just about cope with that :/
Hahah me too. I blush so easy its seriously embarrassing. Whats worse is my presentation is a business plab pitch and my business idea is a gormet food van and I can just imagine everyone thinking "well obviously shes going to do it about food, just look at her, she clearly loves it!" Haha yup

I also have lame nervous ticks. So I rock around on my feet, making everyone feel seasick haha. My hands are all over the place and I talk really fast. Struggle to make eye contact too.

Its really going to go well hahahaha

Still not finished... so much fun!
HI Ladies! dont have time for much of a post at I got to bed at 4,30am and am just off to uni to do my presentation! eek

but weighed in this week at 18 stone 7, that is -3lbs. Happy with that!

That makes a total 1 stone 6 off in 6 weeks, lets hope the next 6 weeks goes equally as well!

Brilliant well done :)

I snook in a wi this morn and so far this week lost 1.5lbs. Hoping it remains that way til Friday :)

Good luck with your presentation x
Vomit. All done. Pretty sure I rambled but I felt like I was fairly confident.

They have to ask questions at the end, and for some reason I went bright red and when I noticed I blushed it just made me even worse. Haha I am so annoying.


I think I did okay. Just got questioned on my finances. Blah. My weakest point.
