They have them at my gym but I hardly use them. I use the jaccuzi sometimes. I think its cos they are always full of posing men, trying to sweat out some pounds :/
sooo glad i dont ever have to do presentations lol
i cant even stand up in front of a few people
i have really bad stage fright
i even have like anxiety now thinking about it
hahah yeah I hate doing them too. Im quite confident to speak up in lectures but that is more casual. The thing I hate is everyone looking at me. I know they are all thinking about how big I am. I wish I could be invisible and they just hear my voice lol Well anyway these presentations arent infront of the whole class, were split into smaller groups, so I think 6/7 people, I can just about cope with that :/
i couldnt even really speak up in class or if i did no one would hear me and my friend in class would always like repeat it as he was louder and get all the praise
very annoying lol
i think it would be better with other people
i am the exact same with thinking that people will think im fat plus my face goes red soo sexyyy
Hahah me too. I blush so easy its seriously embarrassing. Whats worse is my presentation is a business plab pitch and my business idea is a gormet food van and I can just imagine everyone thinking "well obviously shes going to do it about food, just look at her, she clearly loves it!" Haha yup
I also have lame nervous ticks. So I rock around on my feet, making everyone feel seasick haha. My hands are all over the place and I talk really fast. Struggle to make eye contact too.
Vomit. All done. Pretty sure I rambled but I felt like I was fairly confident.
They have to ask questions at the end, and for some reason I went bright red and when I noticed I blushed it just made me even worse. Haha I am so annoying.
I think I did okay. Just got questioned on my finances. Blah. My weakest point.