Laura's bit of everything diet!

That sounds really good!! If they give you any key facts to not not binging feel free to share- I could definitely do with some haha xx
Ahh right thanks for clearing that for me =] I don't think they will kick you out for losing weight that's sort of their goal bt I see where you come from they could be like what do you need us for you're doing it already kinda thing bt you did qualify so they should let you do it =]

And my fave puzzles are picture puzzles like hanjie and campixu think they are called and saga puzzle book is the only one I've found that does them lol
Hey hun, glad you have had a lovely weekend, i feel the same as you this week with the kiddies home my exercise has gone out the window roll on tomorrow lol. Hope your Dad is feeling better :) and yay about the bodymorph :D Keep up the great work hun xx
merrrrr definitely not on my diet. STS for 3rd week in a row, which is sooooo much better than a gain but feeling very fat and lazy and sorry for myself.

It was getting silly. I wasnt having shakes but there wasnt any normal food to eat in the house so I was just eating takeout/co-op crappy food once a day. So I gave in and did a food shop 2 days ago. If Im going to eat Im going to be sensible while I sort out my little wobble. So today I had a granola bar for breakfast/lunch because I didnt get up til 12 - sensible! Then I went for a swim - happy about that, been 10 days since I left the house for anything but booze. :( Then for dinner I had wholemeal pasta, low fat pesto, 2 bacon medallions, mushrooms (do they count as 1/5 a day?) and 10 asparagus spears.

Then this is where is went wrong lol 4 mini brioche and apricot jam - about 550 cals! and a belvita biscuit just for good measure. Now Im sat in bed, doing work and I still want to stuff my face. Ive roughly counted cals all day and Im around 1700-1800. Not little enough for me to lose weight.

I am really annoyed. Its like I cant be trusted around real food. Its all or nothing. I cant do my bloody shake diet cos Im too weak, so I give in, cos otherwise Im going to just eat fastfood and takeaway. and I cant even just have normal portions of things. and to top it off, because I feel like Im back to eating normal foods I feel really fat and out of control, so I want back on shakes, but Ive got a fridge full of bleeeeeeding fresh food.

Motivation is no where to be found, not for the diet, or the gym or the dissertation. I am now a full month behind on my dissertation deadlines, not to mention not going to uni twice this week for my electives and all the work I need to do for them. Yet every day, Im just sat here watching telly, pretending like it isnt happening to me. Then I go to bed and Im awake all night, worrying about this insurmountable pile of work I have, then I wake up at stupid o clock annnnnd do nothing. Its just pure lazy.

There are lots of things I want in my future that rely on me losing weight - I want to meet my friend who is traveling, but I dont want to go when Im fat, I want an amazing graduate job - which I wont get without a degree/dissertation! I also know my chances of getting a job are much better if I am slimmer. I want to meet a man, no one can love me until I love myself, I cant love myself unless I prove to myself I am worth it and loose some weight. Lastly, I dont want my Dad to die while Im still fat, I want him to see me succeed. Why is all that not enough? Why is all that not more important than stupid food?


Where are you motivation? I need one hell of a kick up the buttttt.

I swear my dissertation tutor is going to have a nervous breakdown, and hes not a young man, I dont want to be responsible for his death.
merrrrr definitely not on my diet. STS for 3rd week in a row, which is sooooo much better than a gain but feeling very fat and lazy and sorry for myself.

It was getting silly. I wasnt having shakes but there wasnt any normal food to eat in the house so I was just eating takeout/co-op crappy food once a day. So I gave in and did a food shop 2 days ago. If Im going to eat Im going to be sensible while I sort out my little wobble. So today I had a granola bar for breakfast/lunch because I didnt get up til 12 - sensible! Then I went for a swim - happy about that, been 10 days since I left the house for anything but booze. :( Then for dinner I had wholemeal pasta, low fat pesto, 2 bacon medallions, mushrooms (do they count as 1/5 a day?) and 10 asparagus spears.

Then this is where is went wrong lol 4 mini brioche and apricot jam - about 550 cals! and a belvita biscuit just for good measure. Now Im sat in bed, doing work and I still want to stuff my face. Ive roughly counted cals all day and Im around 1700-1800. Not little enough for me to lose weight.

I am really annoyed. Its like I cant be trusted around real food. Its all or nothing. I cant do my bloody shake diet cos Im too weak, so I give in, cos otherwise Im going to just eat fastfood and takeaway. and I cant even just have normal portions of things. and to top it off, because I feel like Im back to eating normal foods I feel really fat and out of control, so I want back on shakes, but Ive got a fridge full of bleeeeeeding fresh food.

Motivation is no where to be found, not for the diet, or the gym or the dissertation. I am now a full month behind on my dissertation deadlines, not to mention not going to uni twice this week for my electives and all the work I need to do for them. Yet every day, Im just sat here watching telly, pretending like it isnt happening to me. Then I go to bed and Im awake all night, worrying about this insurmountable pile of work I have, then I wake up at stupid o clock annnnnd do nothing. Its just pure lazy.

There are lots of things I want in my future that rely on me losing weight - I want to meet my friend who is traveling, but I dont want to go when Im fat, I want an amazing graduate job - which I wont get without a degree/dissertation! I also know my chances of getting a job are much better if I am slimmer. I want to meet a man, no one can love me until I love myself, I cant love myself unless I prove to myself I am worth it and loose some weight. Lastly, I dont want my Dad to die while Im still fat, I want him to see me succeed. Why is all that not enough? Why is all that not more important than stupid food?


Where are you motivation? I need one hell of a kick up the buttttt.

I swear my dissertation tutor is going to have a nervous breakdown, and hes not a young man, I dont want to be responsible for his death.

I was like that, nothing got done, I ate anything and everything in sight. I was miserable, but it didn't stop me. I was making myself miserable, I have no idea why, but I was in a cycle I didn't know how to get out of, I don't even think I wanted to get out of it.

However, something must have clicked, and I decided to do this diet - And I stick to it because it's costing me a lot of money, money I can't really afford to spend.
I am doing it for ME - if I did it for anyone else, I would probably fail.
As I see the pounds go, it lifts my spirits and motivates me THAT is what keeps me focused and determined.
I want to be a yummy mummy, not the fat one at the school gates!

Once you decide that you need to get on with your work, and are going to stick to this regime, you will start to feel a whole lot better. That's how I feel anyway, it's really boosted my mood and motivation.

It's a vicious circle you're in, but once you break it, you WILL feel so much better.

I am doing the S&S diet, for one reason only - I can't be trusted around food either. I know if I was calorie counting, it wouldn't work, because I did that through Jan and most of Feb. I managed to lose 10lbs with a lot of exercise, but then plateau'd, and gained a couple of pounds. I was eating less than I needed to per day, but would think to myself at the end of the day, 'I've only had 1,000 cals, I can have a box of Maltesers.' - So, I was on 1,500 cals per day, BUT eating that amount of 'bad' food was enough to stop weight loss. Fat calories are a lot harder to lose than protein or simple carb calories.

I broke that cycle with S&S - yes the first few days were tough, but if you can get past that, it soon becomes quite easy.
Once you're in Ketosis, you do actually start to feel really good.

You CAN do it - I know you can, because I was stuck in the same cycle. Once broken, it's a whole new ball game, and will lift your mood, sluggishness, and you'll start to see a difference in weight too.

Hope I'm not telling you how to suck eggs! I just wanted you to know I was exactly like that too, but I soon broke the cycle once I decided enough was enough, and only 1 week and two days later, I feel great about just about everything!

You'll do it, I know you will! :) xxx
I don't want you to take this the wrong way! But I disagree with you 1600 calories IS low enough for you to looser weight. It will be lower than your basically basal metabolic requirement and less than you would eat on your worse day. In fairness, you will still loose but maybe not as much or as quickly as you would like.

In my opinion, you are being much to hard on yourself. You have cut back to almost a vlcd which we all know as foodies is bloody hard!!!!! Be kind to yourself sweets and stop beating yourself up about it. Try and set yourself achievable food targets that you are happy with that allows you some flexibility. You are in a difficult place with work and dissertation stuff. You need some brain food and you need not to e thinking of food all the time- be good to yourself. Plan it. Know ur calorie allowance and have food in that allows you to achieve it.

You can and will do this. You are so determined, I think you might just be being a bit mean to yourself and dieting doesn't mean depriving yourself. Love ya chick! Be strong!!! I lost 16lbs in 4 weeks on 1600 cals a day if that helps? Xx
I think you are putting too much on yourself in one go and that's a lot to be going around your mind.
I suggest you make a list (answer to everything) a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight, I have mine written on my phone. Dieting hasn't clicked for me so I'm going through a stage of dipping in and out :( it's a massive struggle that some people don't understand.
For uni Id do the same. It's the starting that's the toughest. It's the biggest hurdle, until you start it's far too daunting x
I think you are putting too much on yourself in one go and that's a lot to be going around your mind.
I suggest you make a list (answer to everything) a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight, I have mine written on my phone. Dieting hasn't clicked for me so I'm going through a stage of dipping in and out :( it's a massive struggle that some people don't understand.
For uni Id do the same. It's the starting that's the toughest. It's the biggest hurdle, until you start it's far too daunting x

Agreed! Start small! One step at a time! Make it realistic! It's not that you can't be trusted around food! I've become fixated with the foods I won't allow myself- so to change it I've worked what I want (ASK tonight) into my allowance.
I was like that, nothing got done, I ate anything and everything in sight. I was miserable, but it didn't stop me. I was making myself miserable, I have no idea why, but I was in a cycle I didn't know how to get out of, I don't even think I wanted to get out of it.

However, something must have clicked, and I decided to do this diet - And I stick to it because it's costing me a lot of money, money I can't really afford to spend.
I am doing it for ME - if I did it for anyone else, I would probably fail.
As I see the pounds go, it lifts my spirits and motivates me THAT is what keeps me focused and determined.
I want to be a yummy mummy, not the fat one at the school gates!

Once you decide that you need to get on with your work, and are going to stick to this regime, you will start to feel a whole lot better. That's how I feel anyway, it's really boosted my mood and motivation.

It's a vicious circle you're in, but once you break it, you WILL feel so much better.

I am doing the S&S diet, for one reason only - I can't be trusted around food either. I know if I was calorie counting, it wouldn't work, because I did that through Jan and most of Feb. I managed to lose 10lbs with a lot of exercise, but then plateau'd, and gained a couple of pounds. I was eating less than I needed to per day, but would think to myself at the end of the day, 'I've only had 1,000 cals, I can have a box of Maltesers.' - So, I was on 1,500 cals per day, BUT eating that amount of 'bad' food was enough to stop weight loss. Fat calories are a lot harder to lose than protein or simple carb calories.

I broke that cycle with S&S - yes the first few days were tough, but if you can get past that, it soon becomes quite easy.
Once you're in Ketosis, you do actually start to feel really good.

You CAN do it - I know you can, because I was stuck in the same cycle. Once broken, it's a whole new ball game, and will lift your mood, sluggishness, and you'll start to see a difference in weight too.

Hope I'm not telling you how to suck eggs! I just wanted you to know I was exactly like that too, but I soon broke the cycle once I decided enough was enough, and only 1 week and two days later, I feel great about just about everything!

You'll do it, I know you will! :) xxx

Yeah the problem with me is that I have been on a constant diet for the past 6 years. Ive done every diet going so there is nothing new or refreshing for me. In those 6 years there has only been 2 occasions where it really clicked in my head and both of those times my motivation waned after about 2 months. Now dont get me wrong, I felt amazing when I was in that zone, but the problem with that is waiting for it to happen, you can not artificially recreate that feeling. :(

I don't want you to take this the wrong way! But I disagree with you 1600 calories IS low enough for you to looser weight. It will be lower than your basically basal metabolic requirement and less than you would eat on your worse day. In fairness, you will still loose but maybe not as much or as quickly as you would like.

In my opinion, you are being much to hard on yourself. You have cut back to almost a vlcd which we all know as foodies is bloody hard!!!!! Be kind to yourself sweets and stop beating yourself up about it. Try and set yourself achievable food targets that you are happy with that allows you some flexibility. You are in a difficult place with work and dissertation stuff. You need some brain food and you need not to e thinking of food all the time- be good to yourself. Plan it. Know ur calorie allowance and have food in that allows you to achieve it.

You can and will do this. You are so determined, I think you might just be being a bit mean to yourself and dieting doesn't mean depriving yourself. Love ya chick! Be strong!!! I lost 16lbs in 4 weeks on 1600 cals a day if that helps? Xx

Im sure your right - its just as soon I got up to about 1800 cals no weight seems to shift. maybe if I went just under that I would loose weight, just much slower. I think for now, until I get my work under control Im just going to try and maintain this weightloss. That will be an achievement in itself as Ive never managed to maintain any loss before. So I think ill aim for about 1600-1800 for the next couple of weeks to maintain. Im about 1100 atm, but I have a long night ahead of me so Im sure Ill be eating some more today.

I think you are putting too much on yourself in one go and that's a lot to be going around your mind.
I suggest you make a list (answer to everything) a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight, I have mine written on my phone. Dieting hasn't clicked for me so I'm going through a stage of dipping in and out :( it's a massive struggle that some people don't understand.
For uni Id do the same. It's the starting that's the toughest. It's the biggest hurdle, until you start it's far too daunting x

Agreed! Start small! One step at a time! Make it realistic! It's not that you can't be trusted around food! I've become fixated with the foods I won't allow myself- so to change it I've worked what I want (ASK tonight) into my allowance.

I know ladies, I know Im trying to do too much! Really right now, the most important thing is my uni work which is why Im going for the maintenance option.
Maintenance is ace place beauts! X
I don't think tough love would actually work, I'd probably break down- then comfort eat!
Maintaining is a fab thing to do- I may try the same, that is allowing some balance I guess.
Hope you all have good weekends :)
I am the same with tough love - i dont think I could handle it! maybe break your goals into smaller - more managable peices... for example 5 pounds. then treat yourself with something non food related like a hair treatment, manicure, peice of makeup - then bigger rewards for say 10 pounds - like clothing, shoes, handbag etc. and so on... in between you can go window shopping and figure out what you want - and then set your mind on that item? :) Just a suggestion. you have done so well - dont be so hard on yourself
well this morning I weighed myself and I seem to have had a bit of a 'whoosh' as they call it!? You know, when you plateau for ages and then get a sudden drop? weighed in at 18 stone 4. As lovely as that was to see I know Im about to go and ruin it all hahah

Still in my sleeping pattern of 5am to 2pm, so got up at 2 today. Done bugger all! But I also didnt eat as I knew I was going to my friends who needs seriously cheering up. She is suffering from post natal depression atm and desperately needed to talk and eat bad food so I thought I would wait til this eve to eat cos I knew Id likely be eating take away. Well she decided that she wanted lots of different nibbly food so I went to asda and got chicken goujons, wedges, breaded mush, cocktail sausages - that sort of thing! I was glad we didnt get take away but still wasnt an amazing meal lol but as I spent most of the eve with her baby clung to me I didnt really eat too much which was nice!

I do have loadsss of left over food tho but Im going to a party tmrw (2nd reason why my weight wont stay that low ;)) so Ill just take all the food there to be consumed by the masses!

Then Ill be hungover all sunday and want to eat more crap lol! so Ive bought some ham - I always crave ham sarnies so Im hoping this will fix me and I dont turn to pizza! haha so weak!

Welllll anyway- Im feeling slightly more positive ladies. I think I needed that talking to from all of you. must lighten up on myself (not about the work tho, must do more work!) I also went to the docs this week and have changed my antidepressant so maybe thats helping too?

reeeeeeeaally craving a nice cold beer, looking forward to tmrw when I can have one!
I am the same with tough love - i dont think I could handle it! maybe break your goals into smaller - more managable peices... for example 5 pounds. then treat yourself with something non food related like a hair treatment, manicure, peice of makeup - then bigger rewards for say 10 pounds - like clothing, shoes, handbag etc. and so on... in between you can go window shopping and figure out what you want - and then set your mind on that item? :) Just a suggestion. you have done so well - dont be so hard on yourself

There is a verrrrry nice handbag Ive got my eye on! ;) I think thats def a stone goal tho! Its not cheap haha.

I think you're right and this is where Ive gone wrong this time. I usually have something to aim for and work towards - like loose 10lbs for my birthday/xmas/event etc but I have nothing planned, no holidays or events! Not til my birthday in sept and graduation in oct and I want to loose like 5 stone by then haha - that is just too much to handle!

I was thinking of having a new home party type thing around easter - maybe I should figure out a possible date for that and aim for 2lbs a week till then? hmmm

I clearly have to create my own events as no one is inviting me to any!
So 3lbs gone! Amazing! Xxx
i love the idea of the treating myself when i lose weight
i treat my self too much already (in my bfs opinion lmao)

but i think i will set mini goals because if i just think ooh i'll lose weight for my holiday i will just keep thinking i have plenty of time

I think you have hit the nail on the head for me, my aim is August- I think I think I have plenty of time! When really I need smaller goals.
Hope you are all having a fab weekend x
Haha perpleo you are exactly like me! I already treat myself too much!

I had a really nice weekend. I went to a party. One of my friends confessed a secret crush on me and he ended up staying at mine for 2 days. Haha. I always liked him but thought he wasn't interested. It was so nice. We just watched telly and cuddled and talked the whole time. And kissed like school kids! Haha He's coming over on weds next! so we'll see what happens. I'll keep you updated! ;) I'm still in shock...

Been in a good mood all day. Wore a lovely spring dress that didn't fit. Might post a pic of it as I felt very girly! Haha x