Lauras Diary of Incubating

What a sh!ty nights sleep!! Hubby was out for our friends birthday last night (I didn't go because I feel like death), I can never sleep till he gets in and he appears at 3a.m, which is alright because he'll stop going out around 35 weeks. He gets into the bed and snores and snores, then when I drop off I waken to him laying on baby and baby kicking and kicking. My throat, head nose and chest are all sore!!!! I wanna curl up and hibernate!!!! Hubby has gone to play a match still half cut but there is no way he'd miss football. I've a feeling the match will be cancelled anyway its blowing up quite a storm out there and lashing.

I've decided to have my dinner at lunch time today because I don't seem to fancy much food the rest of the day. Hope everyone has a great Sunday xx
Oh no :( Doesn't sound like the best weekend, but at least you got some bits & you gave an idea of what you need & what you've got. Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish, def not helped by a drunken snoring hubby. Hope you feel better soon :)
Sundays food diary

1 slice dry bread
1 packet burger bites

LUNCH @ 3.30p.m in Cafe
Chips, beans and sausages


Didn't eat alot yesterday, this cold is annoying my tummy, everytime I cough I threw up so nothing stayed down. Went off out to watch sister in law and her team win the womans county finals!! Really enjoyed that, love being out in the fresh air. Went off to bed at 7p.m and read some magazines. Up at 12mn for loo and to watch an amazing thunder and lightning storm which baby seemed to like going by all the kicking and rolling around, up again at 3a.m to go to loo as baby was bouncing on my bladder ha and reposition hubby to stop his snoring haha then up at 7.30a.m to get all ready for the day.


Today I am not doing much, I'm still sat on the sofa at 10.30 trying to motivate myself into doing some housework. I'm still having problems with this fecking cold, I've taken to Paracetamol and I'm drinking plenty of water so I'm hoping seen as this is it third day it'll start to get better. I plan on eating my dinner around 12midday as that seems to be my best time for eating. I'll update diary later x
Ohh and I nearly forgot I've my second growth scan on Friday, bit nervous but can't wait to see baby. I've been reading around and I've found something called 'an incomplete placenta' all the symptoms seem to ring very close to what has happened in my last 2 pregnancies and what is going on in this one. I am gonna ask what the technician thinks at my next appointment. I'm gonna look for a explaination this time, I think they tend to know stuff and not let on!

Still sat on sofa in pyjamas but I do have my rice and curry on haha. Little man is in bed snoring his head off so I'm trying to enjoy the peace and laziness without feeling too guilty :eek:.

Hubby called to say he's finished at 4p.m so we will head out then to do the weekly shop. That'll give me 3ish hours to do all the housework...plenty of time :p
Laura I too am sat in my PJ's on the sofa.. No plans to move any time soon either.. Got up.. Had me shower.. Got in fresh PJ's :D

Ha must be the day for it. Its really windy and cold. I just got up and fed and dressed the wains and pushed one out the door with hubby, the other entertained himself playing till 11 and then went to bed. I feel really really lazy!! Would love someone to come and tell me to go to bed and do all my housework and all the shopping, cook me a meal and serve to my bed.......I can keep dreaming I guess haha
Ha must be the day for it. Its really windy and cold. I just got up and fed and dressed the wains and pushed one out the door with hubby, the other entertained himself playing till 11 and then went to bed. I feel really really lazy!! Would love someone to come and tell me to go to bed and do all my housework and all the shopping, cook me a meal and serve to my bed.......I can keep dreaming I guess haha
I know.. Am so glad I took today off work.. Its not a very nice day outside at all.. Although not at all cold (tho that could be the size 18/20 fluffy PJ's keeping me warm) but grey n windy n cloudy.. So glad I cooked dinner yesterday so I can have a nice yummilicious, healthy, low fat dinner n not have to stand in the kitchen for ages... :)
And Jonathan just text to say he's landed back in Dublin :D
Ohh and I nearly forgot I've my second growth scan on Friday, bit nervous but can't wait to see baby. I've been reading around and I've found something called 'an incomplete placenta' all the symptoms seem to ring very close to what has happened in my last 2 pregnancies and what is going on in this one. I am gonna ask what the technician thinks at my next appointment. I'm gonna look for a explaination this time, I think they tend to know stuff and not let on!

Still sat on sofa in pyjamas but I do have my rice and curry on haha. Little man is in bed snoring his head off so I'm trying to enjoy the peace and laziness without feeling too guilty :eek:.

Hubby called to say he's finished at 4p.m so we will head out then to do the weekly shop. That'll give me 3ish hours to do all the housework...plenty of time :p

I think thats definitely a good idea....I know if it was me I would be desperate for an explanation as to what is going on/why it happens. Its like you say....sometimes if you dont ask/push hard enough...they just dont explain...
God I had the worst lazy day yesterday. We went and did the food shop after that yesterday. I wasn't the least bit interested in any food so let the hubby choose what dinners he wants and I just bought the ingredients. Mind you the shopping was dearer than usual! I got home and made the dinner for OH, the wains and the OH's uncle. Once I'd it made and dishes done and laundry done hubby came back from the farm took one look at me and put me to bed. He brought me a drink and a bar of chocolate. I was in the bed at 6.30p.m, I'd say I was asleep by 8. I woke at 3ish in the night, went to the toilet and lay awake for a wee while before drifting off again. Got up this morning at 7.30 and had my shower. Still feeling rough but the cold is marginally better.

This morning after getting DD off to school I made up a big stew for my slow cooker, it should last 2 days hopefully. I've done all the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, lite the fire, done a load of laundry, put away a load of laundry and thats it, I don't feel like doing anything else. DS is in bed for his nap, he's got the cold now bless him so he is knackered.

I forgot to update yesterdays food diary I think:


1 slice dry bed

M&S chicken tikka
Wild rice with basmati
1/2 small garlic naan

2 dry bread
20g cheddar
Bar Dairy milk
God I had the worst lazy day yesterday. We went and did the food shop after that yesterday. I wasn't the least bit interested in any food so let the hubby choose what dinners he wants and I just bought the ingredients. Mind you the shopping was dearer than usual! I got home and made the dinner for OH, the wains and the OH's uncle. Once I'd it made and dishes done and laundry done hubby came back from the farm took one look at me and put me to bed. He brought me a drink and a bar of chocolate. I was in the bed at 6.30p.m, I'd say I was asleep by 8. I woke at 3ish in the night, went to the toilet and lay awake for a wee while before drifting off again. Got up this morning at 7.30 and had my shower. Still feeling rough but the cold is marginally better.

This morning after getting DD off to school I made up a big stew for my slow cooker, it should last 2 days hopefully. I've done all the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, lite the fire, done a load of laundry, put away a load of laundry and thats it, I don't feel like doing anything else. DS is in bed for his nap, he's got the cold now bless him so he is knackered.

I forgot to update yesterdays food diary I think:


1 slice dry bed

M&S chicken tikka
Wild rice with basmati
1/2 small garlic naan

2 dry bread
20g cheddar
Bar Dairy milk
Eh.. Where was the lazy day??? You done loads...
Altho why does a lazy day for a woman always mean some housework.. I had my lazy day yesterday and cleaned the windows.. And then heated yesterdays dinner n done SW chips for with it... And then cleared up after dinner.. Lazy still but still with SOME housework..
Eh.. Where was the lazy day??? You done loads...
Altho why does a lazy day for a woman always mean some housework.. I had my lazy day yesterday and cleaned the windows.. And then heated yesterdays dinner n done SW chips for with it... And then cleared up after dinner.. Lazy still but still with SOME housework..

Lol! I agree?! Where is it?! Is that why it was the worst lazy day ever...because it was nowhere near lazy?! lol ;) :D

Hope you're ok today hun xx

Lol! I agree?! Where is it?! Is that why it was the worst lazy day ever...because it was nowhere near lazy?! lol ;) :D

Hope you're ok today hun xx

Lol its just nowhere near what I normally do. Today is gonna be a repeat I doubt!

Eh.. Where was the lazy day??? You done loads...
Altho why does a lazy day for a woman always mean some housework.. I had my lazy day yesterday and cleaned the windows.. And then heated yesterdays dinner n done SW chips for with it... And then cleared up after dinner.. Lazy still but still with SOME housework..

All that housework took me about half an hour lol. I need to do floors, windows and all the big stuff but I don't see it happening any time soon. Sure as long as the kids are clean, fed and happy it should be all that matters.
Lol its just nowhere near what I normally do. Today is gonna be a repeat I doubt!

All that housework took me about half an hour lol. I need to do floors, windows and all the big stuff but I don't see it happening any time soon. Sure as long as the kids are clean, fed and happy it should be all that matters.

I've obviously not been to your house but am pretty sure its clean... And yes, as long as you n all THREE kiddies are fed.. Cleaning can wait :)
I've obviously not been to your house but am pretty sure its clean... And yes, as long as you n all THREE kiddies are fed.. Cleaning can wait :)

You'd be surprised how messy a house can get when you have 2 kids and a hubby lol...its all ahead of you girls. I remember when it was just the 2 of us, I used to deep clean the house once a week and just do a little everyday in between shifts and it would never be messy. Now I clean the kitchen 4 times a day!!! No joke
You'd be surprised how messy a house can get when you have 2 kids and a hubby lol...its all ahead of you girls. I remember when it was just the 2 of us, I used to deep clean the house once a week and just do a little everyday in between shifts and it would never be messy. Now I clean the kitchen 4 times a day!!! No joke
Messy n untidy are fine.. Its lived in.. But its not dirty...

I am FOREVER cleaning my kitchen.. OMG.. Don't ever get black counter or floors....
I have black counters, they are fine as long as I shine them once a day (use window washer/vinegar in water), but I'd never get dark floors..nightmare, mine are all creamy kinda colour slab tiles
I just find with black counters you can't just wipe the area that needs wiping.. You have to wipe the WHOLE counter.. Same with the floor.. Altho the floor is black limestone effect so its not as bad as there's a pattern on it..
I bought a bottle of white vinegar was in the pound shop last week.. Its great.. Everything has been washed with it...
I just find with black counters you can't just wipe the area that needs wiping.. You have to wipe the WHOLE counter.. Same with the floor.. Altho the floor is black limestone effect so its not as bad as there's a pattern on it..
I bought a bottle of white vinegar was in the pound shop last week.. Its great.. Everything has been washed with it...

Yip know what you mean. Mines not too bad though, my counter and kitchen is quite small, I've a big larder instead. I love a wee kitchen :D. Do you add a little lemon juice to the vinegar to give it a nice smell? My Dettol multicleaner is quite good for the counter too
Yip know what you mean. Mines not too bad though, my counter and kitchen is quite small, I've a big larder instead. I love a wee kitchen :D. Do you add a little lemon juice to the vinegar to give it a nice smell? My Dettol multicleaner is quite good for the counter too
I've not done but I definitely will when I get home...
I bought that new flash the weekend.. Dying to try it :D
We also bought Vuplex for the kitchen cupboard doors.. We got hi gloss so its a protector for them but brings them (and the counters) up lovely.. Completely streak free and shiny.. But to the extent where you want to murder the first person to use the kitchen after coz its looking so showroom...