Thanks Lexie. ! I hold you and the guys partly responsible!just re reading my post...and I sound like a bit of a smuggy! Lol... didn't mean it to come across like that. just really pleased! Lol xx Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app
My name is laura and I've finally fallen off the wagon....:-( I'm ashamed to say that for the last 2 weeks I've been a pig! And not at all to plan..-( Back on yesterday so fingers crossed i haven't done too much damage. I was so convinced it wouldn't happen and now have to face that I just can't do it on my own....:-( Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app
At least I know that whilst I'm on them I won't even look at anything with more than 5%....but I came offnof them for a customer visit and just struggled to get my focus back..... and kept "making the most of it! Ridiculous. Anyway back on them so I know now I won't be naughty.... I just so wanted to be disciplined without them...:-( Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app
So I've weighed this morning. ...have been dreading it... but...... its only a 2lb gain which I'm chuffed to flippin bits with. I seem yo have got away very lightly for being so naughty for more than 2 weeks. Anyway. ..focus is back.... not long until xmas and still on target to get to target if I work really hard. 10lbs to go to my target now.xx Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app