Laura's Low Carb Diary

Happy Holiday Laura! :)
Thanks guys... See you when I get back for clean and green!!
Thanks susie!!
Thanks Lucy!! Still got a week left heeee
Hello everyone!! Sitting waiting on the bus to the airport to come home after a very relaxing two weeks! I do feel like I have put on loads of weight tho, most of it probs water retention from the heat and salty food probs but I feel like a whale nevertheless. I wore loose jeans on the way over and I have them on to go home and they are a bit tight. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning so I will let you all know the bad news lol. I reckon about 8-10 in total. See you on the other side x
As Bren says... I'll go soon ... :)
I'll = it'll lol
Hi Laura, yes we'll be happy to have you back. You might be less so - its yucky and freezing here!
Well... Just weighed in and I've put on a stone!! Jeeeezo! I know a lot is water :-( I'm hoping more of it than not is water. Back on exante tmro for a couple of months then maintain with Atkins, got to do this!
Thanks susie I need all the encouragement I can get x
Yeah I hope so!!
Go for it:)
Morning Laura... Go for it and it will come off quicker than you think... And exante will work miracles! :)