With happiness!
With only 1lb to lose I can't help but do a comparison photo after such a crazy loss this week. So here you have it. The photo that inspired me to lose this weight (horrific!!! I don't have any full length that were most recent) and then this week's photo =) sorry for the horrific lack of make up I couldn't be bothered!
I will of corse get hubby to take one of me next week providing I get to my target as some have asked me to proudly show off my target certificate when/if I get it lol
This is size 16 to a comfy size 8. May dare to try a petite/size 6 if I lose a couple pounds
Pleeeease feel free to share advice or ask for any on my diary!! I love to share with people and help when and where I can. I want lots of successes in 2014!!!
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