i'm baaaaackkk! sorry for being awol for some time guys but december was a horrific month eating-wise for me. put on nearly a stone :'( anyway, the most important thing is i'm back and feeling more determined than ever to lose this weight. i can just tell there's something special about 2012.
i've set myself a handful of new years resolutions, as this time next year i want to be able to say i have actually achieved them, or at least had a bloody good go.
so, feeling strong today. resisted pigging out this morning despite feeling groggy and in need of stodge - last night was a VERY good night! instead opted for a slice of toast, so feeling quite positive on the willpower front.
1 slice ww white bread
2 tsps low fat spread
wholewheat pasta
tomato and cheese sauce
walk round the block - road testing my new trainers
tea going out for a curry so going to try and choose the best options..
chicken tikka (the dry one without sauce)
bombay potatoes
salad or some sort of vegetable side dish
plus lots of diet coke and water