LeaE JellyWobble2

I know the feeling . It's the hormones. I just read something actually it was a conversation between the author and her inner self.
Me: I want some chocolate
Myself: no you don't
Me: yes I do, I'm tired and emotional
Myself: what do you really what?
Me: a hug....
Myself: does chocolate have arms?
Me: no...

Think about that... You don't want chocolate do you?
Omg my weight hasn't moved for ages now which is killing me as I am seriously drained with totm so could soooo eat chocolate
Hope you're feeling better today Lea? TTOTM is killer on this diet, but it's so worth it. Xx

Start: 17.3 Target: 10 Current: 16.12
Hiya Lea how are you? Was today weigh day or has it moved? Not been around much with moving house but hope things are going well for you xx
Hey leaE how did your weigh in go? X
Where r u leaE? Hope your ok x
Hey Lea

Hope you're ok? X

Start: 17.3 Target: 10 Current: 16.5
Hi Lea

I've been thinking about you. If things haven't been going well, don't worry - life gets in the way and you've had a tough time recently. As long as you're ok, that's the most important thing x

Start: 17.3 Target: 10 Current: 15.13
Hi Lea

I've been thinking about you. If things haven't been going well, don't worry - life gets in the way and you've had a tough time recently. As long as you're ok, that's the most important thing x

Start: 17.3 Target: 10 Current: 15.13

Ditto Em

Hope your ok leaE we miss u x
I'm here but I'm on sw as I can't do cd I just can't hack it x how's u x
I'm here but I'm on sw as I can't do cd I just can't hack it x how's u x

I'm good thanks although back to huggggggge again hence being back here lol.

SW is one if the plans I've liked over the years so good luck, I'm sure you will enjoy it x x
I'm good thanks although back to huggggggge again hence being back here lol.

SW is one if the plans I've liked over the years so good luck, I'm sure you will enjoy it x x

Well I'm huuugggeeeee too so least yr not alone x x
Ok day 1 again !!!!

Almost complete x off to college so no temptation :(
Lea xx Im back too.. 2014 will be our year, Am here to support you x