LeaE's Jelly Wobble

LeaE said:
well my diary im having a dull night but still 100% ss
and i love this site lovely ppl so helpful and keeps me going
well the painting continues after surviving cd while family do fish and chip friday so all good i had chilli was yum
my bf is at work and he totally does my head in so glad of the space tbh everyone around him says hes lucky to have me but will he ever say that to me ooohhhh no !!!!! men hey
i have decided to donate my black and white mumsy dress and the orange one to my mum because i wont wear them so may as well big headed as this sounds but i can look better in other stuff thatsmore my style and age and i want to because i have worked dam hard for it !
I have evaluated that clothes sizing is all odd because some 16s fit me some 14s fit and some 14s are starting to be v comfy and in a few weeks hopefully too big soooo grrrrrr but shouldnt complain really better than them not fitting at all
been a bitnaughty tonight done something quite sneaky to a point of i might not even admit on here but all im saying it im no fool and refuse to be treat as one !!! ooohhhh im defo blaming cd for this one lmao xxxx
well aftermy pound gain on sunday im desperate to get weighed on sunday to undo my horrid screw up im desperate for them 12s and i really cant wait to make it there ! I feel greedy for even wanting the 12s because its just so unreal me in the 12s omg and yes im a long way off but omg omg omg the fact thats even my next aim is weird !
i think its all because after the 12s comes the 11s and in the 11s i really dont have far to go and again this sounds crazy but theres some odd comfort in having an aim and having the structure of this diet to follow and being fat gives me some security how odd to admit that hey but its true ! for as long as im fat i will always be me because fat is always what i have been ! and dont get me wrong i like being thinner and getting thinner but what happens when thats over ! what am i ! whats my aim motivation goal aahhhhhhhh new teritory for me ! well being fitter is already my new goal with stopping smoking at 12stone and starting my running training at 11 stone im aiming for the half marathon in sheffield nxt summer and have 2 volunteers to do it with me and i have had to think about a new challenge because when cd is no longer one i feel abit worried ! I no longer have doubt i will reach goal because i have truely embraced the challenge of getting there and its kinda a mission rather than a life dream if that makes sensebut what after ! what comes next !
wow that was a long ramble but something thats going round and round in my head !
off to the cinema tomoz with the kids and bf off to football then work so wont see him tomoz and that doesnt seem to bother him how bloody rude ! i love him but sometimes i just totally doubt our relationship !
well good luck to anyone on here that reads my rubbish i know im boring sometimes but i just have to write stuff down sometimes ! i just cant wait to finish yet the thought freaks me out also ! all this change is sometimes hard to digest a little like cd porridge i suppose x

Oh my days lady....tonight I set the task of reading your entire diary. I hope this does not come across at all stalker like but I really wanted to follow your journey.

Your diary had mad me laugh, it's made me fill up with tears and it's been a wonderful read - you have an incredible gift. To be so honest and open is incredibly humbling because whilst I'm a very open person I've never been able to face my weight issues with such honesty. You should be soooooo proud!

I'm going to start posting pictures in all their horrific glory. It's good to see the progress :)

I think it's time I faced my demons and started being honest with myself. Thank you for helping me in more ways than you'll ever know xxxxx
Oh my goodness Lea i dont think you stopped for breath with your last post haha. WOW you've certainly got a lot to look forward to and setting even bigger targets, you really should be proud and yes you are stunning and i hope one day you are able to see that although more often than not its the humble folk that don't recognise their talents and good things about themselves.

Hope the evening isnt too boring for you, i'm in work tonight so hoping its not too hectic. Cant wait to see your wi on Sun :)
Lea you gotta tell us what the naughtiness to do with your bf is? I'm so curious and you know none of us will judge. Tbh knowing you itll be hilarious and something we all totally agree with. I'm guessing it's some kind of little hint to make him start to appreciate you more.

Hope the DIY went ok. Our place still needs decorating. Upstairs is finished but still staring at plastered walls downstairs.
p220157 said:
Lea you gotta tell us what the naughtiness to do with your bf is? I'm so curious and you know none of us will judge. Tbh knowing you itll be hilarious and something we all totally agree with. I'm guessing it's some kind of little hint to make him start to appreciate you more.

Hope the DIY went ok. Our place still needs decorating. Upstairs is finished but still staring at plastered walls downstairs.

Aahhhhh deal time ! Stick to this missy and get to goal by yr date u set and I will tell ! And yes it's naughty but abit too far naughty really lmao but yeah a bit funny x
ninajw83 said:
Oh my goodness Lea i dont think you stopped for breath with your last post haha. WOW you've certainly got a lot to look forward to and setting even bigger targets, you really should be proud and yes you are stunning and i hope one day you are able to see that although more often than not its the humble folk that don't recognise their talents and good things about themselves.

Hope the evening isnt too boring for you, i'm in work tonight so hoping its not too hectic. Cant wait to see your wi on Sun :)

aahhh cheers chicken and no I tend to forget to breath x how's u ?
ChristyT said:
Oh my days lady....tonight I set the task of reading your entire diary. I hope this does not come across at all stalker like but I really wanted to follow your journey.

Your diary had mad me laugh, it's made me fill up with tears and it's been a wonderful read - you have an incredible gift. To be so honest and open is incredibly humbling because whilst I'm a very open person I've never been able to face my weight issues with such honesty. You should be soooooo proud!

I'm going to start posting pictures in all their horrific glory. It's good to see the progress :)

I think it's time I faced my demons and started being honest with myself. Thank you for helping me in more ways than you'll ever know xxxxx

Aahhhhhh emotional moment I may have just developed that lump in my throat 1 because yr so v kind to me but 2 because I know how hard it is to face up to stuff like that and just thought u should know I'm here every step of the way if u need me x
Very good idea. Ok it's a deal if I reach 10st by 2nd Sept. You have to confess all and put us out of our curiosity. deal *minimins handshake*
Lea what you write isn't rubbish and I love dropping by and reading even though I may not post frequently. You are doing amazingly well and it the likes of you that keep the likes of me wanting to keep trying. Without that hope and effort of attempting to try I would be morbidly obese I am sure! Please keep sharing your thoughts and feelings they are very much appreciated. x
Lol morming hun how u doim christ if i got to get to goal il b waiting tik xmas lol xx
Ahhh L, i need your help! Had a meningitis scare today-hours in waiting rooms etc-turns out just a virus. That's not even the most scary bit. The Dr said i must not diet whilst i recovered-and i have gone mad! Had a bbq-rolls, pringles, cheese, banana cake-carried on eating even though full. I really thought that i would have control-i am really scared now. If i do that when i come off this diet i will be back to obese in no time. Have i learnt nothing. Sh*t, help me L. X
demonp said:
Ahhh L, i need your help! Had a meningitis scare today-hours in waiting rooms etc-turns out just a virus. That's not even the most scary bit. The Dr said i must not diet whilst i recovered-and i have gone mad! Had a bbq-rolls, pringles, cheese, banana cake-carried on eating even though full. I really thought that i would have control-i am really scared now. If i do that when i come off this diet i will be back to obese in no time. Have i learnt nothing. Sh*t, help me L. X

Aahh don't worry love x glad yr ok well yr better than meningitis anyhow and yes u do need to eat while recovering yr body obviously needs its fuel right now x you have been deprived for ages so give yr mind free run and it will go crazy missy all u need is a plan x do some reading and research some healthy eatting ideas not a set plan eg ww or slimming world just healthy meals x get a pen and paper and set out an eatting plan eg
Breakfast weetabix fruit and cuppa
Dinner salad and tuna
Tea two veg and grilled chicken
Snacks apple and nuts

Plan for a full week and do 4 weeks worth
Shop that food on a Sunday
Then stick to it exact

Cd works because you have to do it 100% no cheats yr mind is used to doing as its told it was given its first bit of freedom and course it would want to eat everything u just gotta train it that's all
Pls don't worry my love u can do this don't u dare lose faith xxxxxx
franbella21 said:
Lol morming hun how u doim christ if i got to get to goal il b waiting tik xmas lol xx

Hey I'm fine my love just been busy how are u
shelleymcdiets said:
Lea, long time!! X
How you getting on hun? What's ur loss so far? X

Eerrrhhhhh understatement of the year !!! Care to explain missy lol how are u love do nice to see u around x
Im good chick been cinema to see bourne legacy but i havent seen others so was a tad confused lol!! Wi tom for u hun? Ooooh bet uve done least 5 lb xx
p220157 said:
Very good idea. Ok it's a deal if I reach 10st by 2nd Sept. You have to confess all and put us out of our curiosity. deal *minimins handshake*

Oohhhh I'm using bribes now and ....... It's working lmao xc how are u my little cherub xx I bought some size 12 dresses as my bribe to myself today ! Good god I gotta do this !
Kira said:
Lea what you write isn't rubbish and I love dropping by and reading even though I may not post frequently. You are doing amazingly well and it the likes of you that keep the likes of me wanting to keep trying. Without that hope and effort of attempting to try I would be morbidly obese I am sure! Please keep sharing your thoughts and feelings they are very much appreciated. x

Ah I will and thank u u just can't help but think sometimes that my diary is a right load of pap compared to others because I'm fully aware I talk and talk rubbish I even do my own head in with it but .......don't worry I promised to stay here posting to the bitter end and prob beyond knowing me so yr stuck with me even if no one ever posted again ! How are u anyway x
Oh my god size 12s. I'm still in 14s. I might copy you tho, it'll give me something to aim for.

I've been a good girl, totally 100%, 2 days in a row now - check me out. Just gotta keep it up. I'm doing well on the water too.

I'm at a car boot sale tomorrow helping my mum sell a load of her cr@p. I'm guessing it should be easy to behave there as hopefully there won't be much in the way of temptation. I'm a car boot virgin so it'll be an interesting morning.
LeaE said:
Thank u because I sure need them x how are unlove x

I'm good thank you hunny x Had a rough few days and struggled to do Cambridge or Exante or any diet. I asked for my diaries to removed as I just felt humiliated. I'm now in the members diary section so I can do any diet and still keep my diary! I'm considering something else right now. I admire you so much for doing this. Just thought I'd pop by and say hi to you lovely xx
aahhh cheers chicken and no I tend to forget to breath x how's u ?

Good thanks, just 2hrs into my 3rd night, last one tomorrow night so i'll look forward to sleeping when its dark come Monday nighttime. Thanks for asking :)

Are you excited about weigh in tomorrow and any nice plans for the rest of the weekend?