LeaE's Jelly Wobble

Hiya Lea, glad tyo hear things went well and i hope you're recovering well from the op. We miss you xx
Right ladies here's to mission Christmas ! I have a mission and I choose to accept it ! Day one cd done boooooya ! Roll on day two and this time I'm minus a gallbladder so I'm ready to rumble the crap out of this diet all over again and a month post op means me and that cross trainer have to recuperate our relationship so he's back in full view gggrrrrrrrrr
I'm up late as I'm peeing for England and I thought oh balls to sleep I will revise for my next college test but hey Jo here I am on minis and ooohhh how I have missed my diary ! Not so much the diet as boi I have had fun munching my way back to a fat little twit !??! I think I am plus 2 stone and to be frank I'm dodging the scales but why ? Because I'm a scardy wimp ass but tomorrow I will do battle with the blasted things I suppose lets call it a shock motivater to put a positive on the vile awful chore of weighing in ! Oh how I can't wait to enjoy wi again ! My clothes are tight size 16 again !?!!! And I feel as fat as when I first started cd and yes all the old feeling have come flowing right back and as beautiful social and satisfying I have found my plate full of food it somewhat becomes tarnished when I get dressed and grab my muffin top ! And no I do not mean another cake ! Well I have eaten take our chocolate Sunday dinners blah blah blah do I feel bad !!!!! No because I'm lighter than I was however at least I'm aware of my fat cellulite ridden ass and I'm back for action ! Well that's the plan !
So day one tick
Mini friends = all gone
But I will write and write because I know it helps me and maybe one day someone will come across this and see this can be done I may have blips it may take stages but it can and will be done
Hey! Lea! I'm sure all your other mini mates will be around and drop by! Glad the operation was successful and you ate recovered. Have you updated your stats? Hope the next few cd days are ok and not the sheer hell they can be! Alas is has to be done if cd is the chosen plan. We know cd or vlcd's work. Keeping drinking your water and posting!
Hello lea :) I'm here still plodding along... I had my first true 100% days in a while yesterday... So here to a skinny Xmas :) x
LeaE said:
Right ladies here's to mission Christmas ! I have a mission and I choose to accept it ! Day one cd done boooooya ! Roll on day two and this time I'm minus a gallbladder so I'm ready to rumble the crap out of this diet all over again and a month post op means me and that cross trainer have to recuperate our relationship so he's back in full view gggrrrrrrrrr
I'm up late as I'm peeing for England and I thought oh balls to sleep I will revise for my next college test but hey Jo here I am on minis and ooohhh how I have missed my diary ! Not so much the diet as boi I have had fun munching my way back to a fat little twit !??! I think I am plus 2 stone and to be frank I'm dodging the scales but why ? Because I'm a scardy wimp ass but tomorrow I will do battle with the blasted things I suppose lets call it a shock motivater to put a positive on the vile awful chore of weighing in ! Oh how I can't wait to enjoy wi again ! My clothes are tight size 16 again !?!!! And I feel as fat as when I first started cd and yes all the old feeling have come flowing right back and as beautiful social and satisfying I have found my plate full of food it somewhat becomes tarnished when I get dressed and grab my muffin top ! And no I do not mean another cake ! Well I have eaten take our chocolate Sunday dinners blah blah blah do I feel bad !!!!! No because I'm lighter than I was however at least I'm aware of my fat cellulite ridden ass and I'm back for action ! Well that's the plan !
So day one tick
Mini friends = all gone
But I will write and write because I know it helps me and maybe one day someone will come across this and see this can be done I may have blips it may take stages but it can and will be done

Lea!!! So good to have you back - oh I have missed you!!!

The 2 stone will soon be gone and you will be back smashing this diet like you were before :) I'm so pleased your recovered from the op now, and no more sickness and pain.

I'm still plodding along - 3 stone something to go until I'm at target. I have to say a massive thank u, u'r tip of having a mini chart up logging weight loss to smaller targets has really helped...unofficially 70lbs has gone...yay!!

Can't wait to start following u'r journey again gorgeous xxxxx
Great to c u back lea :) x

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Ooohhhhhhhhh I have a few of my oldies back least I'm not alone however I'm officially the heaviest again but hey I like a challenge x glad yr all ok x stats are not updated as I need to weigh in officially which was supposed to be this morning but I'm stuck at my mums this am with the builders ha ha ha mission scale dodge is well and truly a success ha ha ha however getting back into this I am not so successful at my mums now and had no shake and forgot to grab one so I raided her stash as she hops on and off cd every now and again ( every week actually) well I grabbed vanilla and gave it a wee mix and down the hole it went but eeeerrrrkkkkkkk lumps blooming lumps yack yack yack mental note to self carry my shaker in my glove box at all times eerrrrrrrhh vomit central occuring here at the present moment but ......... Cd vomit central may I add Conley started cd yesterday afternoon so I decided I can't really class it as day one can I so day one today plus my half lol
Been reading diaries about how fab everyone's doing and not putting weight on and being fab and a massive well done to u all yr super and real stars me ! I'm a big fat flop at present I ate and are and ate and treasured it all wrong I know but in my time off I made the most of it x right water for me !!!!!
Well updating again to keep me on track ! I'm starving ! Yes my stomach aches probably due to been sat at my mums surrounded by all the food I love and my mum just ate toasted teacake lashings of butter followed by 6 ferrero rocher and yes I counted I watched each and every mouthful aaaaaahhhhh
It's not even 12 yet and I'm hungry ! Why is this so much harder than when you first start ! I flew through this the first time and now a second on this diet is like enduring torture ! Think thin Leanne think thin ! I shall not fall off this wagon I need to do this !
Oh and as a random add to this post I'm dodging them scales I just can't face them ! I know this is stupid but I'm a little fragile at the moment and I'm almost having panic attacks at the thought of stepping on a set of scales and if I see I'm really fat I might just struggle to carry on sooooo I think I will just leave it for now ! Ok ok ok I admit I'm a coward ! Been looking at old photos at my mums while I'm stuck here and there's a picture of me aged 5 my 5th birthday actually and I'm such a fat kid ! To be that fat at 5 shows that I have always been fat and I'm obviously that way inclined ! Honestly I'm a properly chubby kid ! I never really thought I was such a fatty at 5 I thought I wasn't quite so big at that age I knew I was bigger ! Never been gym slim like some girls but at 5 proper fat ! I never knew it ! Gggrrrrrr so how do u battle something you have always been ! People judge fat people all the time but could you imagine trying to undo a problem you have had since pre 5 year old ! Could you imagine ! It's like trying to change you ! Some ppl are fat after kids after adult age kicks in and although that's difficult to cope with at least they have been slim and know how it feels and fat isn't all they have been ! For me fat is me ! I know no different and I swear part of weight problems is genetic !
I think being fat is part genetic part a behavioural lifestyle issue gggrrrrrrrrrr
Ha ha ha why do I over analyse and debate and rant so much in the earlier stages of this diet ha ha ha
Me at 4 and 5 year old ! Bit of a chubs ! I actually feel sorry for that child having to cope with weight issues at 5 ! I would hate my kids to have to deal with it at the ages they are now ! I can't ever describe to you all the struggles and hurt I have had due to being fat and only people with a similar story that have been fat as a child and never grown out of their 'puppy fat' will ever get what I'm writing here but there u have it ! The reason I'm back and re motivated and why I'm doing it all over again ! I have re embraced that negative emotion that being fat brings into my life and that I have learnt to suppress over the years but here it is out in the open all over again !


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WillpowerWoman said:
Great to c u back lea :) x

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Thank u dear x how are u x
Ah so glad that helped so so impressed by yr progress well done u x soooooo how's the love life ? How's the ever shrinking wardrobe ?
Kira said:
Hey! Lea! I'm sure all your other mini mates will be around and drop by! Glad the operation was successful and you ate recovered. Have you updated your stats? Hope the next few cd days are ok and not the sheer hell they can be! Alas is has to be done if cd is the chosen plan. We know cd or vlcd's work. Keeping drinking your water and posting!

Day one is bloody painful I hate this part however it has to be done x how are u ?
katiebaby said:
Hello lea :) I'm here still plodding along... I had my first true 100% days in a while yesterday... So here to a skinny Xmas :) x

Hey missy so nice to hear from you how are things x where are u weight wise bet yr nearly there now aren't u ? Very jel ! I'm fat fat fat willy the whale at the moment but I'm working at it now x
Hey missy so nice to hear from you how are things x where are u weight wise bet yr nearly there now aren't u ? Very jel ! I'm fat fat fat willy the whale at the moment but I'm working at it now x

Hello :) I am at 13st 10 (was on sat) seem to be hovering around this mark for the last god knows how many months so yesterday I decided enough is enough and I was to get the rest of this lard off!! You will be rid of your gain in no time like you said a lot of it will be water... Look forward to seeing your losses xx
Hey hunni, glad to see you back, i have struggled too and bet u are not the biggest lol back on it now but cant seem to do a full cd week so doing baby steps! Keep glugging the water and we will do it!!!
ayshaahmad said:
Hey hunni, glad to see you back, i have struggled too and bet u are not the biggest lol back on it now but cant seem to do a full cd week so doing baby steps! Keep glugging the water and we will do it!!!

It's so hard though I come on here and really start to beat myself up for putting so much on but then I know negative put me downs will only hinder this process xxxxx well done u on the baby steps yr doing good Hun sticking to this is hard but like u said we can and will do this x
katiebaby said:
Hello :) I am at 13st 10 (was on sat) seem to be hovering around this mark for the last god knows how many months so yesterday I decided enough is enough and I was to get the rest of this lard off!! You will be rid of your gain in no time like you said a lot of it will be water... Look forward to seeing your losses xx

Omg well done you have done so well I'm amazed by your fabness xxxxxxxxx right I'm on this x weight loss here I come x
LeaE said:
Thank u dear x how are u x

Taking a bit of a break till the new year diet wise just moved house and a thousand things going on :) but I'm keeping the weight I lost off :) xx

Ps if it's any consolation although I was a thin child I have been fat since 18 and I actually can't remember what it's like to be slim!!!! Must be hard though if u don't know what u would look like slim! Exciting though! Def part genetic part lifestyle (nature nurture and all that) some people just get it ya know what it's line to struggle with weight and some people in your life 'just don't not there fault other than close mindedness. We r all a product of our life experiences and genetics x

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WillpowerWoman said:
Taking a bit of a break till the new year diet wise just moved house and a thousand things going on :) but I'm keeping the weight I lost off :) xx

Ps if it's any consolation although I was a thin child I have been fat since 18 and I actually can't remember what it's like to be slim!!!! Must be hard though if u don't know what u would look like slim! Exciting though! Def part genetic part lifestyle (nature nurture and all that) some people just get it ya know what it's line to struggle with weight and some people in your life 'just don't not there fault other than close mindedness. We r all a product of our life experiences and genetics x

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Exactly x x I feel the need to explain though and not come across as a narrow minded twit x I honestly feel whole hearted for anyone who feels fat be it a long term short term huge weight or smaller weight problem because its all the same feeling and I would offer my support and help to anyone going through this x I ranted that more for me to realise the full extent of my problem and to let others realise its not just them however on reflection it can come across as me being oh so insensitive to other ppls situation x I can't say what it's like to have felt slim to now feel fat because I have never been there and maybe it's worse as I am in a way used to it but on the other hand to be fat and to see it as part of yr identity as u know nothing else is weird really rather than difficult and to write that down is somewhat painful and pain can be a great motivator x x how's the move going x u are doing so well to maintain x
woohooo i am so glad you are back :)