LeaE - I get where you're coming from as well! It so helps to have a goal and be driven to get there. When I think about going off CD, I then think of how I will feel at my next weigh in and about getting rid of all my belly fat and about sabotaging the progress I've made and about how pleased by family (esp my dad who has been worried about me for years) will be when they see me and all those things help keep me on track.
That said, I envy those people who say they no longer want things like fries or crisps or bread or whatever. There are days when I would love to have those things! For me, I think the steps out of CD are going to be tough and maintaining - that is down right frightening!
That said, I never want to do this again - weeks & weeks, months & months on a VLCD - so my intention is to weigh myself daily and take myself in hand if my weight increases by 5lb or more. CD/CD products will be one of the tools that can be used to help manage this. But as you said, it is a major change in how I ate and lived my life before, and making the change PLUS maintaining it for the rest of my life .... that's a challenge!!!
Funny you should mention hiding behind your fat - I was thinking that the other day when trying on some of my clothes. I have kept some larger shirts/tunics because I feel "safe" in them (aka I'm hiding in them). I am pleased that I'm slimmer, but also feel a bit more exposed - need to get used to / get over that or will find myself building my "fat suit" again - I think that will be the biggest issue for maintaining.
You have had fabulous losses so far and look to continue - I find that wonderful!