LeaE's Jelly Wobble

Laugh out loud


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Awh! Honey, do it all for yourself! If you are happy and healthy so is your family and it is great that all your friends on Minis spur you and you want to do it for them. The support here is amazing. I'm doing ok day 5 and feel better than days 3 &4 which I found harder especially in the afternoon. Right now I am sipping hot water and feel good. No hunger no pangs no desire no feeling at all in my head, tum or mouth for food! Yeah! Wish I could feel like this all of the time!
Hi hun!

I saw your B/A pics and have been scouring for your diary and now finally found it!
I'm not on CD, but Slim & save which is another vlcd

1. You look AMAZING, super amazing!!!
2. Well done on your weight loss! I started at a size 20 so this is real inspiration for me :)
3. Love the walking around in the pants part - mwahahahaha!!
4. I know exactly what you mean about the bf! Dont take his crap! I'm single now but ... I've recently realised how I just used to take 'any' old attention I could get. Actually ashamed to say that but its true. I put up with no end of bs. But now I can see myself in a completely different way.
5. Going to read through from the beginning now :)
LeaE said:
Ps I'm here if u need me at anytime for anything any questions or anything. Xxx good luck hunny yr doing fab x

Thank u!!!!

This forum and the lovely people on it are proving to be a much needed lifeline.

I've had a lot of negative comments about my weight loss today, why do people feel they have the right to lecture?! The fact is I'm morbidly obese, I'm doing something about it and losing weight. Does it matter how I'm doing it? This diet works and has been around for donkeys years. Why can't people just be happy for you??! Sorry to rant but today has pushed me over the edge I think cx
amyrpw said:
Hi guys,

Can anyone tell me if it ok to sprinkle a little granulated sweetner on my porridge as its so bland without? I don't want to effect my weight loss though :(


Your allowed certain sweeteners in yr tea so look up which ones are ok and then dissolve some of them in it but have u tried the other two flavours xxxxxxxxx hope this helps x
Hey Lea just thought I'd let you know thanks to your inspiration and Mike chatter, I went for my first jog today. Downloaded the 0-5k app and completed day 1. I actually quite enjoyed it. So here's to less wobbly thighs and bums. And my god did my bum wobble. I need a bum bra!!
Kira said:
Awh! Honey, do it all for yourself! If you are happy and healthy so is your family and it is great that all your friends on Minis spur you and you want to do it for them. The support here is amazing. I'm doing ok day 5 and feel better than days 3 &4 which I found harder especially in the afternoon. Right now I am sipping hot water and feel good. No hunger no pangs no desire no feeling at all in my head, tum or mouth for food! Yeah! Wish I could feel like this all of the time!

It does get easier the longer u do it last 2 weeks and then u won't look back an that's defo light at the end of the tunnel for u because 2 weeks will fly by I promise x I'm defo doing this for me and I'm enjoying the progress so far and what's to come is something to look forward to but also doing it to show anyone else in my position that it can be done is a brilliant incentive too because when yr really over weight it can sometimes be over wheeling and I know what that feels likeso if I can help anyone to achieve their dreams even just one person I would be over the moon that's why I always reply to ppl and why I will always be here for any of u being unhappy with yr body effects so many aspects of yr life it's an awful feeling and I would do anything to take that away from anyone x x
Ela ine said:
Hi hun!

I saw your B/A pics and have been scouring for your diary and now finally found it!
I'm not on CD, but Slim & save which is another vlcd

1. You look AMAZING, super amazing!!!
2. Well done on your weight loss! I started at a size 20 so this is real inspiration for me :)
3. Love the walking around in the pants part - mwahahahaha!!
4. I know exactly what you mean about the bf! Dont take his crap! I'm single now but ... I've recently realised how I just used to take 'any' old attention I could get. Actually ashamed to say that but its true. I put up with no end of bs. But now I can see myself in a completely different way.
5. Going to read through from the beginning now :)

Ah hi missy and welcome xxxxxx well done on starting yr journey u should be proud and if ever u want a moan I'm here x I couldn't agree more about the relationships u put up with and my past experiences have made me v hardy towards relationships and I defo take no crap from anyone I do not need a man if I choose to let one in my life it will only be on my terms and if they improve my life a lesson hard learnt I think x I'm sorry to hear u put up with crap and settled for the frogs but I'm sure u will have yr prince as u sound in such a good place now xxxxx I'm so glad u found my diary and even if u don't manage to read through it all as its quite long lol u ate more than welcome to join in infact I would love to be right by yr side as u shrink because it's an amazing journey x thank u so much for posting and thank u for yr lovely kind words it helps me like u could never imagine and for that I'm greatful xxxx hugs xxx when's yr wi ?
ChristyT said:
Thank u!!!!

This forum and the lovely people on it are proving to be a much needed lifeline.

I've had a lot of negative comments about my weight loss today, why do people feel they have the right to lecture?! The fact is I'm morbidly obese, I'm doing something about it and losing weight. Does it matter how I'm doing it? This diet works and has been around for donkeys years. Why can't people just be happy for you??! Sorry to rant but today has pushed me over the edge I think cx

Ooohhhhh that annoys me I had loads of that but they soon changed their tunes when I proved them wrong x don't u let them put u down sweetheart they have no right u should ask them exactly what research they have done on this diet then laugh in their face and point out the nhs use vlcds on prescription and would they do that if it was so bad ! No they bloody wouldn't ! How rude lol sorry for the rant but it really annoys me and I know how demotivating it can be xxxx and u are defo free to rant to me anytime spesh bout this x rude narrow minded idiots !
p220157 said:
Hey Lea just thought I'd let you know thanks to your inspiration and Mike chatter, I went for my first jog today. Downloaded the 0-5k app and completed day 1. I actually quite enjoyed it. So here's to less wobbly thighs and bums. And my god did my bum wobble. I need a bum bra!!

That's the best post ever and made me giggle ! How the hell have me and my fat ass and mike inspired so many ppl never in ages would I have said I would be inspiring anyone to exercise its unreal x well done my sweetheart !!!! So a name for the exercise app x I think Antony the annoying aggressive app x and have u seen my ass yrs I'm sure will be pert in comparison xxxx well done u xxxxxx
amyrpw said:
Thanks LeaE :) will give them a try xxxx

How are u x how u getting on so far ?
Hey Lea!
It's been said a lot by others but your progress is awesome!! 5 stone lost in 4 months - I can't even imagine getting there. I managed 4 stone 4 years ago but never did any maintenance that I now realise is vital !!!!! Good luck with your goal!!!:)
LeaE said:
Ah hi missy and welcome xxxxxx well done on starting yr journey u should be proud and if ever u want a moan I'm here x I couldn't agree more about the relationships u put up with and my past experiences have made me v hardy towards relationships and I defo take no crap from anyone I do not need a man if I choose to let one in my life it will only be on my terms and if they improve my life a lesson hard learnt I think x I'm sorry to hear u put up with crap and settled for the frogs but I'm sure u will have yr prince as u sound in such a good place now xxxxx I'm so glad u found my diary and even if u don't manage to read through it all as its quite long lol u ate more than welcome to join in infact I would love to be right by yr side as u shrink because it's an amazing journey x thank u so much for posting and thank u for yr lovely kind words it helps me like u could never imagine and for that I'm greatful xxxx hugs xxx when's yr wi ?

Aw Hun!

So nice :)

Yep my weigh ins are Thursday's! so a whole 6 days to go! Haha!!! Thanks for being so lovely! Have a great weekend x
amyrpw said:
Not too bad actually leaE, I must admit its hard not to have any solids more than anything! I just want to chew on something lol. Hopefully in a few weeks I can have some bars :)

I have my wedding dress fitting in 8 weeks so at least I have that to motivate me!!!

How are you getting on hun?

Omg 8 weeks what date do u get married x congrats how amazing brilliant incentive xxxxx
Phili said:
Hey Lea!
It's been said a lot by others but your progress is awesome!! 5 stone lost in 4 months - I can't even imagine getting there. I managed 4 stone 4 years ago but never did any maintenance that I now realise is vital !!!!! Good luck with your goal!!!:)

Ah thank u love and yeah maintenance is so important so is regular weigh ins spesh when yr at goal xxxxx thank u for the good luck I need it but good luck to u too x always here if u need me x
Ela ine said:
Aw Hun!

So nice :)

Yep my weigh ins are Thursday's! so a whole 6 days to go! Haha!!! Thanks for being so lovely! Have a great weekend x

U too and time will fly I promise xxxxxx
Well today's been ok not done much but I'm not used to Fridays off either x just relaxed really and played with the kids x went to my parents had a go on the lottery so I could be a millionaire as we spk but somehow with my luck I doubt that v much lol
Tried on some of my smaller clothes well the ones I have and it's fustrating because stuff that would fit my waist doesn't fit my legs aaahhhh my size 16 jeans fit my legs but are too big on my waist ! What is a girl to do hey ! But the clothes that were wayyyy too small ate not getting closer to fitting but thank god I have no nights out coming up as I have nothing to wear !
I'm really pleased to show I have 12 more lbs to go until I'm in the nxt bmi barrier which is nice because that's doable and then it's aiming for the normal range whoop x my mum has chated her diet today a crunchy and chips and slice of bread begged her not to but she wouldn't listen really annoying tbh so not wasting my breath anymore ! Off to seaside with them tomoz do I'm guessing she's off plan and it does on 1 hand make it harder but it's good because it makes me more determined ! Mum took great pleasure in saying she's 12 stone something and thinner than me again but ...... Only makes me more determined ! I don't understand her because sometimes she's great and really supportive then she goes like this ! Big sigh ! Well roll on Sunday wi and pls let me have them 13s I'm praying to god pls plspls I really have worked hard x I will take 13.13 just pls 13 something pls


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Hello hello :) how are things? I have
That app its really motivating seeing
The line move down down down :) have a good weekend x
Morning me darling! Came back from the island last night and miss it already-its raining here! Had my first major 'cheat' yesterday. Went for lunch and had bread, olives, makerel, salad and half serving of chocolate mousse. Im ok with it though as it was a conscious decision, and i still choose quite wisely. What Im not ok with is all the nibbling i did on holiday- so back to 100% now to finish off my last cd and then onto s+s. So,there you have my inspirational friend-my confession! I feel cleansed now! Glad to see you fan base continues to grow-Im not sure you even realise how many people your words reach and inspire. I feel honoured to have been with you from the start and as you approach those 13's i feel so proud of you. . .and mike! X x x