DAY 16
Well still can't believe i am here still - doing this...this is so far the longest I have stuck this out...the longest I did weight watchers was 14 weeks so if I can beat that all will be good
Anyway, Not struggling at the minute at all...everything is lovely and I am very happy...thought I might have a little struggle but no.
i have my weigh in tomorrow which I am excited about and I also have my ikea night and rehearsal for Miss Beds as i am singing there in 2 weeks. V. Excited!
Last night I saw my lovely lads on the hunks which is great and they were great.
Next time I see them I will be so much slimmer - they won't know what hit them! lol.
One thing I have noticed, my boobs are not I gonna have BIG floppy boobs

if they don't shrink I am going to have some real problems.
Maybe, just mayeb if I get down to a size I want and stay there a couple of years I will get a boob job..either a reduction or enhancement.. I really like my boobs!
I also am finding the SS+ a really good way to lose weight and if you plan the meals, they can be soooo tasty.
Last night I put a chicken breast with some curry spices in a tin foil envelope and baked it and had it with lettuce, cucumber and balsamic vinegar! YUM!
I have eaten a meal every day this week so it will be interesting to see how it affects the weight loss (if at all).
I wonder if I can start doing some mild exercising as I am eating...nothing strenuous though...maybe some nice walks and some light weights? get rid of the horrible bingo wings maybe?!?
Oh well, haven't had my lunch shake yet so onwards and upwards!