Gold Member
Oh that's a very long day isn't it! Bless him. Could he stay there in a b&b for a few days in the week until you decide to move eventually? Might end up cheaper for you bearing in mind the cost of running a car anyway, I know it's not ideal, perhaps you can stay with him?
I had a good day, busy at work, had to do my return to work form with one of the managers who was asking how things are ... you know with ex etc, well, I just said it how it was, so tempting to say well actually i'll be handing my notice in next week lol, but didn't. I'll have to wait for the letter although there's no doubt about it, I got the job!Would of been nice to leave at the end of December and have a week off! Hey ho, it is what it is and I'll be doing less hours so will have lots of time to myself! I guess I have to play it by ear for the hours I definitely need to be able to pick the children up so will need to leave by 2.45 latest.
It's 18.75 hours per week, I'm thinking:
3 x 5 hours + 3.75 on another day then have a day off ;-)
3.75 hours x 5
Hopefully they'll be flexible as they say and I don't have to stick to the same, would be nice to see what the work load is like as both options would be ok I guess.
Anyway... I should talk about about slimming world haha
I'm back on SP day today, so had 2x b choice and had semi skimmed milk in porridge and coffeeI had some raspberries this morning and just remembered not eaten the rest of my fruit, no wonder i'm hungry now haha. I have a soup to eat that's defrosted from the freezer and i'm going to have a packet of 7 slices of ham, i'm going for it today haha, determined not to syn too much as need to make sure I have a nice loss for a day early on Saturday before we head to London, exciting! I'm going to order train tickets tomorrow on payday! I've decided to have a really good morning on plan on Saturday and then take kids for a nice something while in London ;-) I've been back on plan around 6 weeks, think I deserve it, as i'll have a week to get back on again, i'll definitely lose and I think I'll do an extra day on SP next week also, so will be 5 days
I think it’s 59 Miles each way so ye it’s quite abit. Due to the fact he gets a car would choose a diesel and he reckons would cost 260 for the month on fuel.
Our cars at the min are Rubbish on fuel we’ve got a 4x4 which is not good on fuel haha I have that during the week and I don’t go very far. He’s got a focus st for his work car which is 2.5 litre petrol don’t ask lol, boys and there toys don’t think they ever grow up . He does a lift share at the mo and drives 2 weeks out of the month. He puts in 50 pound every week he drives. So the new job would work out extra 160 a month extra to what paying at the mo. He would also get rid of his work car due to gettin another so would save on insurance and tax as the Work one is all paid for just have to fuel it.
I think would cost more than that to stay there during the week. He really wants it and I think the money would sweeten the deal for him as it’s alot more than he’s on now .
Bet you don’t want to be at work now do you. Soon as u know you have no interest just want to finish. Hopefully you get it in writing soon. Both sets of them hours sound alright cause even spread over 5 days ul still get abit if time before collecting kids from school but surpose would be nice to know you get a whole day off extra lol