SOOOOOO glad it's friday! And breath!
Had a awful customer on the phone today, one day I'll not be needing to work school hours and i'll get a job where I don't have to deal with horrid people anymore, I get that we all have our issues but he'd never spoken to me before and I'm sure he was more p'd off with the company than me but gosh it's so hard not to take it personal! Evil man, maybe karma will show it's revenge HA! In fact it probably already had.
So, did I say I'm glad to be home!
Just been having a catch up with my mum who pops in to see my dog everyday i'm at work, she adores her and it's good for them both! Not seen her since just before starting this plan and she noticed!!!

She's really pleased for me. I told her to keep it to herself as I want my brother to notice next time I see him, I don't see him that often and he's always telling me to lose weight, however he fails to take his own advise I tell you! He could be 9 months pregnant, so don't worry its not a skinny person telling me that lol.
I had strawberries, grapes and plain low fat yoghurt for breakie, some alpen bars for a snack at work and babybel lights and when I got home I had 4 rivita's with laughing cow light and cucumber. I currently have a chicken curry bubbling away in the slow cooker that I'll serve around 6.30ish and still need to have some more syns.
Feet up and going to watch some tv tonight or something on netflix.
Kids with me this weekend so no doubt my boy will be on his bike and my girl on her new roller skates! We'll take the dog out too, no matter the weather.
Scales saying still smiling atm, hopefully will stay that way on Monday morning or maybe more, we'll see.