How many baby bell lights is it your aloud
its x3, I don't usually only have babybel lights if I use some milk in hot drinks but been having herbal teas so don't need milk today as no porridge either!
Aww your dog is so cute!!!! wish we could have a dog. I have a kitty who I love to pieces and she hates dogs so we can't get one
Also awesome about the size 14s!!!!
Ah that's a shame, what if you had a pup, wouldn't your cat accept a pup? I can't have cats as I end up with awful breathing problems, affecting my asthma :-( She's a real cutie pie, she knows it too lol, she rolls over for a tummy rub for strangers haha. Looking forward to getting some new clothes more than anything haha, always a nice treat eh! If I get to target by summer, then I'd like some pretty dresses, that's my goal! I'd also really like to wear something flattering for Christmas as the last couple of years I've looked terrible.
I've got up, had a shower, hair washed and sitting catching up on some tv, nice and quiet as kids with their dad until tonight

Made breakie but not overly hungry right now so going to leave it here a little while until my appetite comes back which i'm sure it will.
Mum is going to be staying for the next few nights as its half term here this week, so she's going to be looking after my lot for me while I go to work, I'm off on Thursday and Friday which will be nice, I plan to take the kids to the cinema and swimming hopefully if we're all well and if not then I'll no doubt be taking my son out on his bike and my daughter really wants to get out on her new roller skates. Please let the weather be dry!
Need to hoover/dust the house, its desperate!