Lent Challenge. What are people giving up?

i am finding it quite easy now, although have got my choccy ready for Easter Sunday!!

I know what you mean, I just seem to be in the swing of it now. Sometimes I think about what my first drink will be, but it's not something I'm obsessing about, and won't be upset it doesn't happen.
Still here and bread free :D
oh i didnt see this ;)

i gave up takeaways for lent (including my chicken and black bean sauce on a friday night at work)

i also made a pledge to stay 100% on plan until the end of lent....no flexisyn days, nothing.

so far so good :D
went out for dinner on Sunday for mothers day as I wont be with my mum next week. Ordered a chocolate brownie without even thinking about it! it arrived on the table and all of a sudden I remembered :( A little gutted as I could was between choosing it and the lemon cheesecake! ahh well, I'll put a few pennies in the charity box
Still haven't had any wine. :) How much longer to go now, does anyone know?
Still 25 days to go ..... It's getting harder but still going strong (execpt my magnum slip up :/) )
Hope everyone is still doing good x
Still 25 days? How can this be possible when we've already gone without for a million days..........:-/

Sorry, folks.

So far, we've only actually gone without for 23 days - plus part of today.
We've got 22 days to go - plus the rest of today.

So, if it gives anybody a tiny chink of light at the end of the tunnel, we have actually - at last - done more than we've got to go!
Still no alcohol here, but had a mini chocolate slip up - one of them continental type biscuits you get in an individual pack in coffee shops, and one side was dipped in chocolate! That was days ago, and I am still kicking myself!
still no takeaways and still 100% on plan

been close to cracking with the honking- but i have stuck to it! it will be so worth it by the end of it! especially since i'll be so close to target- hopefully!!!