its a weights class using a bar, very good for toning

its a proper "grit your teeth and push through the pain" one!! im embarrased to say i also make the most unattractive grunts during pump
warmup: smallest weight you do
squats: heaviest weight
chest: 1/3 to 1/2 off the squat weight
back: chest weight or slightly heavier
triceps: bit more than warm up
biceps: warm up weight or a bit more if your feeling strong
lunges: between chest and squat weight
shoulders: bit more than warmup
start small with the weights, dont think just because others are going heavy that you need too or that your weak, they all started small too! the class isnt easy, but its not active like combat or attack.
have a chat with the instructor first, he/she will go through correct technique and reccomend a weight for you to start off on, usually the lightest one.
you might be sore the day after, but dont let it put you off. my ache after the first pump i did was really bad, felt like id been hit by a bus and then over again!
found a video of pump 79, its the brand new one so that gym might not have it yet, more likely 78.... the vid is of the lunge track