I have been managing, Ali, though we're going out for dinner tonight at a friend's house. I've given the chef Gary strict guidelines and I'm going to drive so I don't get carried away with alcohol.
SATURDAY 14/01/12
Breakfast : 3 rashers of lean bacon with a pile of tomatoes and mushrooms. Punnet of blackberries.
Lunch : (planned) leftover chicken curry from last night except there appears to be only one chunk of chicken in it

so it'll be more like a vegetable curry, as it's full of mushrooms and peppers.
Large side salad. Melon.
Tea : no idea yet, out for dinner and am saving today's syns because I'm sure I'll need them. I'll drink one glass of wine with dinner (6 syns) unless when I get there it looks like Gary hasn't been ale to contain himself and I need them for food

For that reason, I've held off on the HexA and HexB too ... Think I'll phone later and demand a preview of the menu lol