As that's exciting. I'm going to have a look. Can we have babybel? I miss cheese x
Excitement everywhere. Il need to get on and see how you make flatbread. I miss bread the most I think.
I'm doing good thanks. Not hungry what so ever but psychologically I do miss food. Someone at work this evening had a toastie, and I struggled not to re enact the scene from lady and the tramp cause I was nearly on the other end of it as she was eating it!
I lost 9 and a half which I was pleased with cause I had a week break from cambridge before starting slim and save so had already had my big first week loss with cambridge if that makes sense. Also got into the 16s (by the skin of my teeth - 16-13). Hoping there's a place reserved for me in the 15s in the next 4 weeks.
We're getting therex
Ketosis is fab eh. I too don't really think about food, until I see someone with something I previously enjoyed that is. Even then I can control it. And this from me, who used to lie in bed planning what I was going to eat for breakfast.
Getting inventive with the packs could be good because the shakes, although nice, don't really do it for me. I like to chew. It's defo psychological.
Oh, the 15s. Hopefully wel be reunited after years apart.
Wished I'd discovered a VLCD years ago x
Fantastic loss well done. Has been very motivating reading your diary. Keep up the great work. I lost loads of weight doing the diet am just back for a while after a gain, not sure how much gain because dodgy scales but am not feeling comfy in my clothes. So 4 packs for me for a while to refocus.
Im looking to restart after my holidays in about a week and a half. Lost alot before and sometimes with the allowed foods we can eat it hardly feels like im on a diet x
Thanks skinny girl! It feels great having that kind of loss, glad it's helping others too.
Good luck with your loss, how much do you have to lose?
I've just discovered the recipes page on the forums on the s&s website. It's brilliant for ideas to stop me getting bored. Today I made a flatbread using the porridge mix, had that with chicken and bacon and some veg on the side. Was yum. Think I will keep experimenting with the flatbread recipe, maybe using a babybell and some chicken to make pizza. How was everyone's day? X
My scales are not working, well more they are throwing out random numbers and not consistent when I weigh myself, I mean stones difference when weighing within minutes. So I have gone from being a daily weigher to not weighing at all until I get myself along to Boots and see the real numbers. I am guessing at least 2 stone to lose, but I know I can shift it this time and I need to prepare more for maintenance this time around so using this time to sort my head out for that.
Just to say thanks for the flatbread idea. I have chilli soup packs left over from cambridge and they made a nice flatbread with 2 babybel. Stopped me from caving today. Really struggled with physiological hunger todayx
Hi Marie, don't cave! You are doing so well so far. Glad it helped, its good to experiment. I'm going to try and make something with the cheesy pasta. Wondering if I take the pasta out if it will make a cheesy muffin kind of thing, maybe have With some garlic on it so its a bit like cheesy garlic bread? Ill report back once I'm done! I need to start behaving, I keep sneaking an extra mushroom or stick of celery here and there. I know it's not much but all adds up. I need to start being strict again.[/QUOTE
Aw thanks Liz. Feeling better today. Was defo psychological hunger. Just wanted something yesterday. It's passed so glad I didn't cave.
Am excited to hear how you get on with the cheesy pasta. I love mac cheese so was hopeful for the cheesy pasta but wasn't impressed. I tried chicken with garlic seasoning through it but yeuch.
I'm more inclined to substitute things which isint great either. Il pretend to myself chicken tikka is ok because it's tandoori and low carb, so if it's the same weight what does it matter. Tho I'm sure it does :0 x
To Altinkum, Turkey. Not looking forward to wearing my swimsuit, may have to cover up with a long sarong, but hay-ho! Are you managing well on the diet Lizzyliz? x