Morning!!To be honest I’ve no idea either how I’m managing to stick to it (for the most part). It’s so weird how willpower works - sometimes no matter what I do my brain won’t let me diet but then other times I’m able to be super strict! Do you find that too?! People always say ‘oh if you want it enough you’ll do it’ but I don’t believe that because I probably want it more when I can’t find the determination! I got my period today and always notice major cravings in the week leading up to it so it definitely explains why I’ve wanted to eat everything these last few days. I purposely waited until I was finished mine last month to start Cambridge because I knew it would be easier, hahaha!
Back from Dr’s and we’ve sent my urine to the lab to see if there’s still bacteria in it so I’ll know in a couple of days if it grows anything. It’s one week now since I started the newer antibiotics so it should be cleared up but I do have another week of treatment so we’ll see! I don’t feel as bad today as yesterday though thankfullyHe‘s also sending me for a cystoscopy to look inside my bladder so just have to wait for that appointment, it will prob be next week as I’ve health insurance so there aren’t usually any waiting lists. The Irish health system is terrible so you get nowhere without going privately, unfortunately. I’ve heard the NHS is brilliant but I suppose they all have their faults!
Thank you so much and right back at you if you ever need to vent! Definitely helps to chat to people who have been through it! None of my friends have lost a parent yet (thankfully) so I don’t really speak about it with them as they don’t understand. I have two half siblings but I was my dad’s only child so it makes it a bit lonely too that I’ve no siblings who get it!
Delighted this week is going good for you and that’s a pity you can’t get the full week on the shakes like you wanted. Hopefully it won’t make any difference but I guess you’ll never know haha! You can try next week anywayDo you use the soups or dinner meals? Havent tried any of them yet!
Off to weigh in at 3.30 today, it hasn’t been a week but consultant is going away so has to be today. I also usually weigh with her in the mornings so not sure how all the 2L water, 3 coffees and 2 products so far will affect the scales. Not expecting much at all but we’ll see!
Hope you’re having a great day! Xxx
Huge huge well done on your 4 week losses, amazing numbers, you'll be feeling fab when you're in those scrubs!!

Our bodies have a lot to answer for eh, get what you're saying about the time of the month, definitely just need that little something extra. Did you get your results back from doc?
It can be hard having nobody to talk to. My cousin (well my husbands cousin, but we're more like sisters we're that close) lost her dad last year and she felt awful for a long time cos she said she hadn't realised what i was going through, but i was so glad that she didn't, a pain you wouldn't want anyone to have. Mum;s aren't always the best person to talk to either, just need someone sometimes
I've been mostly having the dinners as i don't really like the soups, although the thai chilli one is yummy. I like spaghetti bolognese (surprise as don't like red meat a lot), tikka rice, thai green curry and couscous (altho this is much nicer with some spices and protein/veg added). Really really don't like the macaroni, a bit too 'tinned macaroni' for me
Weigh in tonight and i really hope i see an 11 on the scales. Have walked 5 out of 7 nights this week so i have high hopes. I'm thinking of trying some exante products, couldn't believe the price difference! Did you end up trying some, know you said you were planning on it. Looks like there's so much choice in the packs
Have a lovely Monday