Have let myself down big time!!! I had so much inspiration and motivation! Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place but I have to have a rant about myself
I went to a christening today and my mum was going to bring some SW safe foods for us to snack on as we are doing SW together but she forgot to bring them! (It's a long drive to where we went as well so couldn't go back!) anyway there was a finger buffet, with so so so much food and it was so busy I couldn't really stand around being picky so I just grabbed basically a bit of everything
Id saved my healthy b so I could have a sandwich but the sandwiches were egg mayo and I ended up having one anyway
basically just ended up pigging out and haven't written anything down
after such a good loss last week I am bound to have a gain at wi tomorrow night
although j am going to the gym before wi to work some of it off
i'm so disappointed in myself! After I'd dropped a dress size as well and was in tears this morning because I felt so hideous in my outfit for th christening
maybe it was comfort eating
anyway! I need to be punished!