Wow Saphire, you've lost soooo much, how brilliant. And, your bmi is almost below the magical 25. Oh how I long to be in size 12 jeans, hopefully I will be in a couple of months.
Our local BonMarche has a 30% off day on Tuesday and I'm going to try and get a couple of size 14's as my 16's are now baggy round the bum .... probably, they will have sold out, but I want to be there at 9am!
Had another chicken and mushroom soup tonight and it was lovely, I'm a new convert to them as when I initially tried them, I thought they were yeuck. Now it's colder, I think I appreciate them more! I've also got one of the Cambridge mini wisks which is brilliant, so quick, so convenient, does anyone else have one?
Well must go, my Coke Zero is calling me ...... "come and drink me" hehe xx