Silver Member
Sounds goooood. I might get some of them triangles myself, sounds nice on jacket potato!
Well done!
They're unreal. And you get quite a bit of cheese for 1 syn!!!
Sounds goooood. I might get some of them triangles myself, sounds nice on jacket potato!
Well done!
I miss cheese, if I want it I have half of a HEA cheddar, only 15g and I syn it as 3. My kids asked for cheese spread this morning and typical I have none lol.
I'm down 3lbs this week12lbs total.
Oh well you counted it just to be safe lol.
Are you gonna weigh today or not?
Aww funerals never good. What work do you do?
I've not had dinner yet, just at my Mums having a coffee.
Looks bloody lovely.
Aww that is too young
Do you get discount on your food shopping then? I applied to work at asda a few years ago, I did the stupid interview, I even rapped about a jumbo sponge "/ I'm no niki minaj I didn't get the job haha
I applied to work at asda a few years ago, I did the stupid interview, I even rapped about a jumbo sponge "/ I'm no niki minaj I didn't get the job haha
I'm 23 and just decided to get into care. I'd love to work at asda or a supermarket though lol. I've always worked with food, hate it!
Lol well in the interview I was in a team with 2 others, we all had a verse each to rap about a jumbo sponge.. Quite funny.. I got called back for the 2nd interview but I found out I was applying for the wrong store haha.. I've applied since but no joy.
I'm glad it was a jumbo sponge now and not corned beef haha.
Yo yo, princes corned beef yeah, it used to be free, but slimming world changed da rules and now you have to syn it you see, I don't know why I'm standing here trying to bloody rap, so I'm gonna get home yeah for some corned beef hash. I can have it with a big plate full of superfree, I hope I lose at group dis week, 2lbs or maybe three..
I... I'm giving up now, I'm going try tesco instead lol
I want corned beef now haha
You have done really well todayhope you weigh next week and get a good result. I'm looking forward to but sort of dreading tomorrow night! Steak house... I've just looked at their prices and nearly died! I'd be happy with a mcdonalds salad! Hope it doesn't affect my loss too much, I wanna see 13's next week.
U got any plans this weekend, no vodka?
Defo! Can't wait be into 12's again, I was sooo happy!!
Oooooh your going on holiday, when are you going? I'm not booking until I'm at target lol never again am I going be the fat bird abroad haha. I wanna take my kids swimming and not care!
Good girl you can do it! I want us both be at least 12st something by AugI've worked out that 2lb a week it can be done by 12th July lol. If only I exercised too lol
Lol I've always said I'd love get below 12 so theres room to have fun still haha. Ooh so that's why u want to do it by then. That should be easy peasy if u stick to itno matter how down u feel think of Zante and how happy and good you will feel being there and at your target
5th August is my youngest's 4th birthday, she can have a slimmer mummy as a gift haha