Hi SK2 welcome hun, As I was saying to another member that had a day 3 curse, try to make it your first goal. Start the diet and just concentrate on finishing the first day, have it as a mini goal. If it helps just write yourself a little note or letter to read when you feel like you cant do it and that will let you know how upset you will be and disappointed if you break the diet. Try to find that inner strong person that needs to do this.
Hi Steve welcome to the forum! Thank you for the introduction and I must say I'm very impressed by your story of how you and you partner both started this journey together and have managed to come so far with excellent results. I'm certain you both will achieve your goals as you have been so constant with the diet. I think Paul is still lurking in the forum, I hope you both get to chat and meet.
And for me... I got a letter from the hospital about my fertility treatment. They have sent tests they want us to have done before the consultation. I called the nurses up and spoke to them about my diet and they said I would need to stop the diet before I have the tests done. They said they need accurate results to determine medications I will be on and I would certainly need to be out of ketosis. This has hit me hard and I'm disappointed as it has been the one time I've restarted without hiccups. However I have decided not to dwell on it but to kind of change the way of my diet. I'm going to do a low calorie diet and eat 3 times a day but not as low as Lipotrim. I can't just leave it, I need to make this into a lifestyle. I will still be here and can offer the support to all you lovely people. Please keep this thread going and posts coming in as it does help with the motivation.