Hello Ladies!
Dizzy it was a really nice day I had out at the shops with me little girl!
Your 'hiding' of the stuff you threw out brought a story to mind, I'm surprised I hadn't thought of it already!
I am a gas service engineer, working in peoples houses servicing central heating mostly. My manager had a great story from years back when he was an engineer himself. A few engineers had been called along to this house (we'll call her Miss X) due to an intermittent noise and no one could actually work out what it was. Mrs X was completely adamant it was her central heating..... so anyways my manager was there one day and could hear the noise and tried to follow it through the house, Mrs X was following too explaining it was keeping her awake at night and she was very unhappy none of our engineers had managed to repair it yet. My manager then says I think its coming from this room, whats in there? Mrs X says thats my bedroom and suddenly tries to get him to give up looking....My intrepid manager by now was on a mission to prove how good he was at his job (lol his real job I mean) and went undaunted into the bedroom. Mrs X by now was beside herself with embarrassment as he shuffled around under her bed to find the vibrator she had left under there, with the switch kind of half on and half off..... so it only came on sometimes... hee hee hee. Knowing my manager it probably made his day!
As to the homecoming of my other half?
I haven't revealed about my trip to Ann Summers yet! After 7 weeks away he was quite happy to have me naked rofl, so I thought I'd wait for the novelty to wear off and then surprise him.
He didn't admit to seeing too much difference in me to begin with but I think he was afraid to admit he thought I was fat before, however he overheard me talking on the phone to a friend and I had said I thought he might have been wary of saying anything and he said he did feel a bit like that. I told him it would never be the wrong thing to tell someone they were looking gorgeous!!
Anyhow, he does admit now (having had a good feel lmao) that there is definately less of me, and (jokingly I hope) said he hopes the breasts don't keep shrinking along with the rest of me, cos they're barely a handful as it is!
and in answer to the original question.... the actual drive hasn't really changed but personally I am already a little less inhibited than before.