Silver Member
Aaaaawww! This warmed my heart! So happy for you Hun!
M x
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M x
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Thanks hun Yeah I suppose these are all issues I just have to deal with as positively as I can! I think I saw you commenting on the Facebook page, you're a knock out!! Well I weighed today and I'm 18st on the button (Haha I know that's other people's idea of hell so it seems funny posting it in such a cheery way!) So next stop is definitely the 17s, yippieee!!! List of all the things that have improved since I started *I've lost over 2st *Am fitting into size 18 dresses (not jeans because I've a big arse) when I was a 20 in dresses and 22 in jeans before. *Somehow, my knees don't hurt at all anymore! *I can walk briskly through town, around my area etc without sweating like a pig and being mortified if I bumped into anyone, I've always been quite a fast walking (or wobbler
) I used to walk fast over to my local shopping centre and when I got there and stopped walking my face would start sweating agh, that doesn't happen anymore at all. *I'm not so embarrassed to bump into certain people anymore. *I actually have a bit of confidence now and feel like there really is a good life waiting for me! *Planning to go back to Liverpool with my friends in March and this time I know the seat belt won't cut me in two (I didn't even close it on the way over the last time, just covered it as I was terrified it wouldn't close, it barely did) *Hoping to book my first holiday away with my little girl this year and I couldn't care less about getting a bikini bod but I would like to just look half normal Haha!! Sorry for going on and on, I just really need to keep remembering why I'm doing this and all the benefits I'm reaping.
Aw Thanks for that lovely post C!!
I'm actually laughing here at me conjuring up all those scenarios, I don't know what was going through my head
Really need to sort out my sleep though, I'm not sleeping much at all, even on non freaky out days!
Yeah I don't mean to list positives in a really self congratulatory way but I've found that once I start focusing on the negative it's very hard to come back from and keeping happy is a huge priority now!!
Going to bring the little one out on her scooter now.
Thanks so much x